You killed him

208 13 13

Error's font:Hi

Ink's font:Hi

PJ's font:Hi

What this story is about:Ink and Error's magic make paperjam and Error took care of Paperjam until one day Ink killed Error.


Error just finished a very very violent fight with Ink in the anti void that it was full of strings and paint. He then went and sit down thinking about why Ink just don't understand that there was a balance. As he was thinking that he felt a heavy weight on his back. He look behind him to see a black boned baby.

"Hey what's a little baby bones like you doing here."

The baby look at him and laugh at him.Error hear this while spying on the star sanses(Almost auto correct to sanscest really says something about what I have been reading) talking to Science about how if two magic mixed it will create a souling(Um auto correct is souping a word). Error was busy thinking about what to do with the child's and the a voice from the fourth wall said "keep the child and raise it with lots of love."

"Um okay I just gonna name it Paperjam"

A few years later

Paperjam was in the anti void waiting for his mom to come back. Then a portal opened his mom said he had to hide somewhere when a portal open until PJ is sure that it was his mom or anyone his mom knows. A white skeleton walk through and the his mom came though the portal  and they started fighting PJ somehow avoided being hit and then it happened Error got hit.Error's hp turned to 0 and Error started dusting.PJ quickly jump out of his hiding spot and to his mom.Ink then said that made PJ hate his father in the future and the present more.(You know since Error is dead and Ink is PJ only living BLOOD related parent)

"Hey kid get away from the monster you'll get killed"(Not If I kill you first Ink)

"no I am staying with my mom"

"Mom!? Did he brainwash you or something"

"He didn't brainwash me." said PJ angry

"Don't worry Kid we'll help you after that monster is gone"

By that point Error was a pile of dust and PJ was holding Error's scarf. While that was happening Ink took the Time to check PJ's checkbox.

Paperjam(PJ for short)




*is the result of Ink and Error mixing*

*Can both create and destroy*

*Was raise by Error with the help of the bad sanes(It auto correct to sands so now it's bad sands according to auto correct)and blueberry.*




"Hey kid what is your name"


"Well I'm Ink and since I'm your only living blood related family you will be living with me"


(459 word)

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