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My names y/n but my nickname is Kitty ... it's a long story. I was born in Los Angeles I know the big "LA". I was born on March 6. I'm 17. I have never known my real parents i was a mistake ... well that's what I believe. I went too many foster homes until I was 1. I only remember one house. The Sissals. They just wanted money from the government. They were alcoholic drug dealers. They got me into drugs sadly. There's only one thing I remember well I get reminded off everyday. When I would cry she would threatened me with a knife. One day I stubbed my toe on a coffee table. She was on the phone and I couldn't wouldn't stop crying she hang up her phone and grabbed a pulled it across my face and blood gushed out of my cheek. That's we're I got my cut from. After that the neighbours reported her too social services and I got thrown straight back into care. One day a woman with gorgeous aquamarine eyes and medium curly brown locks walked in with a young man with dark chocolate brown hair with hazel eyes they were with my care worker and social worker and they came and got me and told me that these were the LaRussos. The LaRussos were a wealthy family they were not like any of the previous foster parents they were different. They adopted me because the tried too have kids but never had any luck. Daniel and Amanda were so amazing I loved them so much. One day whilst I was smothered in Apple juice and baby food I heard a loud high pitched scream which sounded like it was from Amanda. I saw Daniel run too her. Her water had broke. She was going too have a baby. I mumbled "Dada mumma ok". He said too me " Yes. Your going too have a baby sister" he said with tears of joy in his eyes. "Quick then get in the car then". I slung my hello kitty bag around my shoulder and hopped in the car. That's the day when Samantha La Russo was born. I don't remember anything until very well until I met him. He was a tall with emerald eyes. He was moving into the house next door. He looked around the same age as me. I was 4 at the time. I quickly sprinted too Sam and told her too come and see. Me and Sam ran outside and we went over too his house. I introduced myself. "Hi I'm Y/N I live just there" and I pointed. Then Sam introduced herself. We helped him un pack. After hours of helping and talking we had too head home. We realised that we were both 4 and where born on the same day March the 6th. That's when I knew me and the boy next door would be BESTAYYYYS forever. I have been homeschooled pretty much my whole. And no I'm not one of those weird kids and no I'm not another Cady from Mean Girls. My mum well not biological so Amanda I usually just called her mum though. She decided too homeschool me because she thought people would bully me for my scar. However I still made friends from Eli's friends and Sam's friends. I met Demetri when we were in Kindergarten and I met Aisha in the third grade. Me, Eli, Demetri , Sam and Aisha were best friends. We would watch Harry Potter and Doctor who at sleepovers every other week end. Every Halloween we would go every year in Harry Potter robes. Every summer Aisha and Sam would go too Robot camp so the rest of us nerds would go too the dojo. Yes Mr LaRusso was a sensei and he's been teaching me since the fostered me. I love Karate. I mean. I LOVED karate. Not anymore. Not since this year.

you've always been my girl  hawk x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now