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The month of February was always revolved around love. It was the month Hannah loved to avoid, and that was as close as she was getting to love anything.

Ogling Niall out of the corner of her eye in the car going to the wedding, she knew this February was going to be different. She had seen him dress in a suit before, but that was November when her feelings weren't as strong as they were now. There was no doubt that he was handsome dressed in a black suit with a blue and white striped shirt, and there was no way she could hide it.

"Have I told you how incredible you look today?"

 "I mean, maybe once or twice, but hearing it a third time isn't so bad." Hannah joked.

The two had missed Valentine's Day yesterday due to the wedding rehearsal she day before. Hannah had been asked to be Corey's fiancée, Abby, bridesmaid after one of her friends wouldn't be able to make it to the ceremony. She had been booked otherwise with wedding events that already made it hard for Hannah to see Niall in the first place. He'd given her flowers along with a small, lovely card that showered with affection. It made up for not being able to see him yesterday.

"I'll tell ya a thousand times until I get sick of it, which probably won't happen." He told her as she laughed.

"I can't even believe I agreed to do this. We're not even that close."

Of course, hours before the wedding, she would get doubts. Hannah was grateful that Niall came along for a ride because she wouldn't be able to spend all this time thinking to herself.

"She knows how important you are to your brother. Plus, you're very smart and beautiful." He kissed her on the cheek. "She couldn't have picked a better replacement."


Hannah hadn't been to many weddings, let alone be in one, so experiencing it from a bridesmaid point of view was absolutely amazing. Not only did she make eye contact with her brother several times at the altar, trying to cover up small smiles every times, but she witnessed tears of joy coming down Abby's face. She had never seen two people so happy.

The ceremony took less time than she imagined, and the happy couple was already walking down the aisle again, out the door, and to the limo that was to take them to a banquet hall where the reception was to take place. The remaining bunch of people were now exiting the building and heading to their cars, following the limo. Niall appeared out the corner of Hannah's eye as she watched the cars disappear down the street.

"You ready to go?"

The blonde glanced at Niall, feeling sympathy for him that he had to deal with those crutches for the next couple of weeks.

"Yeah, I'll bring the car around the front." She said. "Less for you to walk, you know?"

It was an easy drive to the banquet hall. The parking lot was filling up quickly, but she was lucky to be a part of the wedding party for there was reserved parking for her. Not only did she escape the madness, but Niall was benefitting from this as well.

They found their table was close to her brother's, but noticed the name tags of the other bridesmaids and their dates accompanying them sitting on the table. The only person who gave her true comfort at this table other than Niall was her sister. Hannah's mother was sitting with her brother just like Abby's parents were.

"Wasn't the wedding just lovely?" Lauren asked her sister after giving her a hug. "By the way, you look great."

Hannah smiled and was about to reply before Niall interrupted.

"I told her she looked incredible." He beamed, earning a playful eye roll from Hannah. He kissed her on the cheek before moving away to make conversation with a group of people.

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