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Her internal alarm clock woke her up at two in the afternoon. The white of the snow was bright through her blinds that it was utterly impossible to fall back asleep. She kept her grey eyes half opened, too tired to lift them any higher. They scanned the messy room for something to wear considering the fact she just realized she was only in a bra and a pair of panties.

All it took was one quick movement to figure out why it was smart to stay in bed. She held a fistful of blanket underneath her chin, shifting her body to get in a more comfortable position. As soon as her head turned, a rush flew to her brain and soon began throbbing. She let out a powerful groan before she realized she was making a sound. It was apparent she had too much to drink that night and due to the hangover, she couldn't discover why.

Taking into account that Hannah has been in this position before, although it being over a year, she knew she had to get up sooner or later. Marisa would come knocking, checking to see if she was dead or alive (unless she has done that already). And compared to all the other times she drank to get drunk, Hannah knew this time was different. She can remember the dinner as well as walking into the nightclub last night perfectly fine, but the most important part was fuzzy. The last thing she needed to do was something stupid.

Ignoring the pounding headache, Hannah reached for any article of clothing and threw it over her head. She grabbed a pair of shorts from the dresser drawer and stalked out of the bedroom. Pain reliever and bottled water rested on the kitchen counter. Hannah smiled vaguely at the thought of Marisa thinking about her, but then she remembered that Marisa probably saw her in her worst state last night. As quick as she could, the blonde swallowed two pills, and then headed to the next room over.

The television played some sitcom softly so Marisa could focus on what she looking at on her computer screen. Her eyebrows furrowed and maneuvered the mouse pad quickly. All Hannah could decipher from it was it was some news website, and she was reading an interesting article.

"I take it you had a good night last night." Marisa spoke up as soon as Hannah took a seat on the same sofa as her. Her eyes didn't break away from the screen.

"What do you mean by that?" Hannah asked in a mild tone. One wrong turn and she'll be suffering from this migraine for the rest of her life. "I woke up in my underwear and I can barely comprehend anything right now."

"It must've been all those fruity drinks, yeah?"

Hannah pondered about the liquor she consumed last night. She remembered sipping the fruity content and sitting at the booth with blonde boy. He kept staring at her and ordering another drink each time she finished one. She stopped counting after three for that's when her common sense went downhill.

"I suppose. I feel like I've been drugged."

Marisa stayed silent for a few seconds, taking her bottom lip between her teeth.

"Well, the whole world feels a little different about you."

"Pardon?" Hannah swiftly turned, receiving a pulsating throb in her head. She scooted closer to her friend to get a better view of the laptop. Several tabs were open, each one starting with Niall or mystery girl, date or nightclub. Whatever else was in the articles' title was everything Hannah feared.

"See, I've been doing my research ever since last night. I know how you get about your privacy being exposed, and I just wanted to make sure nothing gets out of hand. Fans have posted more pictures than the paps have..."

Marisa kept rambling on about nonsense she'd been doing over the past sixteen hours. In the meantime, Hannah ripped the laptop out of her grip and took over finding all the pieces of the night she's been missing. She started with the first tab on the far left labeled : Niall Horan Spotted with Unknown Female Last Night.

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