Chapter Twelve

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"It might not even be an officer, the station isn't exactly a private place."

"Yeah, could be someone looking to make some quick cash."


They all turned to Kya who looked like her brain was working in overdrive.

"The note Lin got. It has to be someone who has worked directly on the case. Someone who has direct contact with whoever took Rei. They knew that we knew."

Mako locked his fingers together behind his neck as he let out a long breath. She was right. And they should have realized it sooner, he should have realized.

"So what do we do now?"

He watched as Kya studied her for a moment before an idea seemed to strike her.

"Korra, has Lin taught you how to use your earthbending to find out if someone is lying?"

"I asked her once and she told me she wasn't very good at it and that I'm even worse... but I can do it a little."

"Mako, I need you to gather everyone assigned to the case in the same room."

About half an hour later they all gathered in the main bullpen. Saikhan looked at him expectantly and it felt wrong to Mako not to fill him in but he didn't trust any of them right now. Kya and Korra stood at opposite sides of him while Tenzin and Asami strategically blocked the exits in case anyone tried to make a break for it.

"Now what?"

Korra muttered under her breath so only he and Kya could hear. The waterbender only looked to her and gave her a slight nod. Mako felt Korra shift her position, her bare feet planted firmly against the floor.

"We know one of you is leaking information about the case involving Chief Beifong and her family. I want to know who it is."

The room immediately started buzzing. Most of the officers faces showed surprise or confusion but others some were so unfazed by anything that their faces didn't betray anything. He looked to Korra who had closed her eyes in concentration. After almost a minute her face relaxed and she pointed without looking.

"There. I think it's him."

They all looked to where she pointed and Mako felt his blood boil.


He should have known. He had been surprised when the disgraced detective had volunteered to help but he had just brushed it off as him trying to suck up to the Chief to get his old job back. He stood up, raising his hands in innocence as Kya crossed the room and grabbed him by the front of his shirt.

"I-I-I don't know what you're talking about. It wasn't me!"

Kya looked around, eyes settling on the door to an interrogation room before she dragged him towards it. Tenzin and Korra followed them in to the room while Mako convinced Saikhan to stand watch with Asami outside the door.

Kya shoved Lu into a chair while Korra latched the metal handcuffs around his wrists.

"Ow! Easy there, that's a little tight!"

Tenzin suddenly moved, grabbing ahold of his sister as the waterbender launched herself at the man, her fist connecting with the side of his face with a loud smack. He held her firmly for a moment while she gathered herself, letting go cautiously and not keeping his eyes off of her. They needed answers and they wouldn't get them if Lu was unconscious.

Korra made the move to sit in the chair across from him but Mako stopped her. She looked ready to argue with him but he gave her a look and after a moment she nodded him in approval as Mako carefully sat down and studied Lu's face.

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