Missing Setters

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Sakusa woke up to atsumu being gone from their bed, he lazily checked the time seeing that it was 6:00 am which was weird to have atsumu up at said time as sakusa usually would have to carry atsumu around for their mornings sighing sakusa got up doing his usual morning routine before leaving the bedroom and heading to the living room looking around not seeing atsumu so he went to the kitchen again not seeing atsumu so he checked there guest bedroom no atsumu which is worrying and starts inducing sakusa with lots of anxiety, sakusa searched the house again finding a note from atsumu saying he was hanging out with other teams setter's which sakusa didn't believe for a second as atsumu would be excitedly telling him about it a few days prior. It's been 1 hour since sakusa woke up and he doesn't know how long atsumu has been out but he knew it has been too long so he got up and got ready to search for his boyfriend of course texting him to ask him where he is before he left, after almost half an hour of walking sakusa got more worried deciding to text the rest of the setter's boyfriends to see if they know where atsumu is

                                                                         We Simp For A Setter

OmiBitch: is your guy's setter missing?

FrigginDog: no.

Sunshine: no kenma's with me, why?

GoddessOfSass: can't be he's still asleep

SaltyDino: no he's busy gaming with kenma

BestAce: no, why has something happened to atsumu?

AngryBirdsHusbando: sorry no kogane's here with me

chocolatier: semi-semi went to the grocery store, why?

OmiBitch: atsumu's missing

BestAce: oh, weird

Sunshine: yeah don't those two hang out every 3 months? 

GoddessOfSass: mhm, why are you so worried?

AngryBirdsHusbando: uhm kogane just ran out of our apartment :(

Sunshine: wow really??? Kenma did too :((

BestAce: oikawa has ran out too

FrigginDog: nevermind he's missing

SaltyDino: this is your fault sakusa

chocolatier: yeah, now semi's gone >:(

GoddessOfSass: I'll look through their private account locations

OmiBitch: thank you-

BestAce: thank you, kiyoko

Sunshine: YAY thank you kiyoko :)

AngryBirdsHusbando: you're the best kiyoko!

GoddessOfSass: np

Sunshine: <3

GoddessOfSass: Suga woke up, what do I do??? Oh no he's leaving :(

AngryBirdsHusbando: attack him and make sure he doesn't leave we need to interrogate him

Sunshine: I'm running at full speed to your house!!!!

BestAce: me too

SaltyDino: i'll be there soon.

OmiBitch: I'll hop on a train and be there as soon as possible

chocolatier: me too

AngryBirdsHusbando: see everyone soon!

GoddessOfSass: got em!

I walked to the bus station and hopped onto a bus, as I waited I got a ping on my phone as I looked at it I saw that it was atsumu

Lotus: didn't you see the note?

OmiOmi: I did but when I messaged the other's they started leaving as well so mind explaining?

No answer for about five minutes so sakusa put his phone back into his pocket and waited.

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