Chapter 6 - Excited

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 Adrien woke up the next morning to something warm attached to him. Marinette was sleeping in the same position she had been that one morning. Her hand was draped over his bare chest and he could feel Marinette's smooth skin as he rubbed her back. Marinette was sitting in just a bra and underwear, from what he could tell, and remember from the night before.

He watched for a moment, the way her face rested into a pleasant smile as she slept and the way she looked so calm. Her body moved as she breathed, the slow breaths blowing against his chest slightly. He carefully slipped from her embrace and covered her with the blanket again.

Adrien yawned as he stretched, his abs stretching as he walked out to the porch where Alya was sipping her tea, watching him intensely.

"Good morning Alya," He yawned, rubbing his eye. "Do you know where-"

"So, how was it last night," Alya asked, raising her eyebrows for a split second. Her mug rested in her lap that was covered by a fuzzy blanket.

"W-what?" Adrien scratched his neck, trying to avoid his blush.

"Don't play dumb with me Agreste. I didn't hear anyone in the ice cooler last night, like I had any other night," Alya narrowed her eyes.

"I'm not going to kiss and tell," Adrien slumped down into a chair, stubborn to not release any information.

"C'mon Adrien, she's my best friend," Alya whined.

"No, Alya. She can tell you if she wants,"

"Good, you passed!" Alya smiled happily.

"What? Passed what?" Adrien sat up straight again.

"I wanted to see if you would be loyal to Marinette and kept your mouth shut or you told me everything. So, you passed," She calmly sipped her tea again.

"Morning," Nino walked through the screen door. "So how was-"

"He already passed," Alya said in a mildly annoyed but stern voice. Nino nodded and smiled at Adrien.

"Nice job, Adrien. Alya actually approves of you,"

"Didn't she approve of me before, since we're friends?" Adrien asked.

"No, no. I mean she approves of you as Marinette's boyfriend," Nino chuckled. Adrien hadn't given himself the title of 'Marinette's boyfriend' yet but had everyone else? He did consider Marinette his now girlfriend, whether he did it subconsciously or not. After a few minutes of talking, Nino and Adrien set to work to make pancakes, yet again, that morning for breakfast. As the two made breakfast, Alya helped to set the table and was soon helped by Marinette. Adrien walked inside holding the plate of pancakes and Nino following behind him.

"Here you go milady's," He mocked his secret alter ego, winking at the bluenette with a pink face.

"Thank you Adrien!" Alya said happily, not hesitating to dig into the food.

Their last day on their camping trip went smoothly, spending their last time relaxing in the cabin, chatting about their plans for the future and Alya, not so subtly, interrogating the beginnings of Marinette's and Adrien's relationship. Nino and Alya sat in a large, cushioned chair, Alya laying against Nino's shoulder. Adrien sat on the couch, his back against the corner as Marinette leaned against his abdomen, his arm draped over her side.

"Alya, can you drop it?" Marinette exhaled as she rolled her eyes, knowing Alya was enjoying every little detail of her new relationship.

"But really, how did you react, Adrien?" Alya nagged for more information. Marinette could feel the smirk laying on Adrien's face, or at least the internal smirk he felt.

"I was just...." He paused, "Happy," He smiled gently, rubbing her forearm. Marinette looked up at the blonde, expecting a teasing remark. She saw the blonde looking back at her, a glean in his eye and the genuine she saw on his face the day she gave her his umbrella, and every day since.

"Awww," Marinette smiled before Adrien leaned in for a peck on the lips.

"Have you told your dad yet?" Alya looked at Marinette, her eyebrows raised slightly.

"Oh god," Marinette let out with a chuckle. Adrien looked at Alya, then to Marinette in confusion.

"What? What's so funny?" Adrien asked. Marinette propped herself up more to look at Adrien.

"Ever since you came over for the Ultimate Mecha Strike Tournament, my parents have been nagging me to invite you over for dinner, hoping I would get my first boyfriend," She rolled her eyes in amusement of her parents nagging and begging for him to come back. Even they loved him.

"Well, when we get back, you tell your parents that I'm free for supper tonight," He smiled, adjusting her back against him. Marinette hummed in acknowledgment.

As the four went about their day, Marinette felt a bliss in the air when she was by Adrien, which was most of the day. They packed up the car again, Alya locking the cottage door behind them and Marinette got into the backseat of the car, Adrien getting in beside her.

Marinette sighed in relief after the roller coaster of a vacation. Now, she was in the car, the love of her life's head leaned on her shoulder as he slept. She couldn't be more excited for her future with Adrien. 

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