Chapter 4- Finding Out

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Ladybug stood alone, staring at the rest of Paris who were celebrating in glee as Hawk Moth was defeated but she could sense the tension, not constantly but every so often she felt it punch her in the gut, winding her from breath. Soon the feeling became reality, when Parisian's disappeared, being replaced with the fiery hell, Hawk Moth's creations roamed the earth and Ladybug wasn't Ladybug anymore, she was Marinette.

Marinette couldn't sense Tikki's presence, but as she looked down she saw blood on her hand, blood all down her arms and pants that were torn to shreds. Marinette felt the tension start stabbing her now, everywhere. Marinette looked over her whole body to check for wounds that could've caused this much blood. Her wounds were all bad, horrid but closed. The blood from her wounds had healed over, leaving a scab there, but the blood on her hands and arms and legs was recent.

"My....... Lady?" Someone from behind rasped softly, sounding like they were in pain. Marinette's heart felt the stab of tension again, turning around felt like the slowest action she did, but seeing Chat's almost lifeless body on the ground, holding an open wound on his stomach. She suddenly felt cold wood in her hand, looking to see a knife in her hand.

"Chat? What happened?" Her body refused to move, or let go of the knife.

"My Lady, I trusted you, how could you?" Chat looked at Marinette for one last time before the life drained slowly from his eyes. She heard the flutter of a small butterfly in her ear, before the soothing voice in her ear appeared.

"Hello, Ladybug," He said.

Marinette sat up straight in her bed, a cold sweat covering her body. She struggled to catch her breath, breathing heavily but quietly. Adrien mumbled softly beside her, looking over his shoulder. "Mari? You ok?" He mumbled, his eyes barely open as he rubbed them.

"Y-yeah, I just had a bad dream,"

The next morning, Marinette found no one in the cabin, only a note reading,

'Me and Nino went to the store just a few miles away, Adrien is out for a walk, -- love, Alya'

Marinette shrugged, having the wooden cabin all to her own, she placed the kettle over the portable heater. As the kettle shrieked, she held the handle carefully as she poured the steaming water into a mug and placed a tea bag in it. The water quickly changed colours from clear to orange.

As she sipped her tea peacefully on the porch, she noticed Alya had left her phone behind, and it was now buzzing and vibrating. An Akuma alert!

Without thinking twice, Marinette quickly set down her mug and ran to her room, transforming and grabbing the horse miraculous and using it to teleport to Paris. She watched as the giant monster wreaked havoc through the Paris streets. Chat Noir joined her a little later than usual. The monster was impossible to miss but maybe he was just further away then she was.

"What are you thinking?" Chat asked, standing with his staff in his hand, his body in a fighting stance as he looked at the spikey monster.

"Lead it to the woods, its spikes will be caught in the leaves and branches and it will become slower," Ladybug jumped away, Chat following behind her quickly. Caging in the monster was easy, but using her lucky charm, a pair of craft scissors, was not.

"See it's bracelet? Cut it. It might be where the Akuma is," Chat pointed to the small elastic bracelet, a stone threaded in the elastic. Ladybug followed Chat's advice, which led to the swift recovery of the damage to Paris as she threw her lucky charm into the air, and set the white butterfly free. The two heroes separated, both needing to be somewhere quickly before their friends noticed they were even gone.

Maybe Not So Bad After All.... {FINISHED}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora