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The man takes us into another room and searches through some folders. 

Five shifts in his seat, looking anxious. Finally, he pulls one out and starts skimming through it.

"Huh. That's strange."

"What?" Five snaps.

"The eye hasn't been purchased by a client."

"What do you mean?" Klaus hops down from the counter he was sitting on, and gets very close to the man, making him nervous.

"W-well the logs say that eye with the cereal number...that's not right. It hasn't even been manufactured yet. Where did you get that eye?" He looks up confused at Five.

Five sighs.

"Shit." I mutter. 

Five stands up and walks out. I follow, then Klaus runs out after us.

Once we get outside, Five starts talking.

"Well, this is not good."

"But I did good, right? Smashing that glode into my head!" Klaus laughs.

"It doesn't matter!" Five yells.

"What, what's the big deal with this eye anyways?"

"There is someone out there that will lose an eye in the next 7 days. They are going to bring the end of life as we know it on Earth." Five walks past Klaus.

"Uh, Five. Can I get that 20 bucks like, now?"

Five turns around.

"Your 20 bucks?"

"Yeah, my 20 bucks."

"The apocalypse is coming and all you can think about is getting high?" Five yells.

"Well, I'm also quite hungry. Tummys rumbling." Klaus attempts to make an empty stomach sound, then laughs.

"Useless. You are all useless!" Five shouts. I roll my eyes.

"Oh come on, you need to lighten up old man!" Klaus says.

Five goes to sit on the stone steps outside the building.

"Hey, you know-I figured out why you are so uptight. You must be horny as hell!" Klaus laughed, then sat down next to him. I sigh.

"All those years, by yourself. That's gotta screw with your head."

Five doesn't say anything for a moment.

"I wasn't alone." Five muttered

"Oh? Please tell." Klaus said, looking at him curiously.

"Her name was Dolores. We've been together for over 30 years."

"Five, you are kidding-" I start, but Klaus cuts me off.

"30 years? Wow. The longest I've ever been with someone was...three weeks? I was just so tired of looking for a place to eat and sleep-"

"Suddenly, I feel Five grab my wrist, then he jumps into a cab.

"Don't stop. Just keep going." Five said to the driver.

"Ugh, god damn Five. Maybe a warning next time?" I snap, shaking my head.

"You'll be fine." He said, letting go of my wrist.

"Where are we going now?" I ask.

"To get Dolores." He sighs.

"No. You are joking, right? I will not allow you to get the stupid mannequin I was stuck in for 45 years."  I look over at him. He's looking out the window, not answering my question.


"Just shut up for once." 

I scoff and cross my arms. 

I look out the window to see it start raining. Droplets come down on the window, trying to get through. They slide down, and more come.

After a bit, we arrive. Five and I get out of the car and walk up to the store getting soaked in the process. 

Once close enough, Five grabs me again and jumps in.

"Stop doing that!" I yell. He rolls his eyes and grabs a flashlight off one of those display things. He walks down the aisle, pointed the flashlight at every mannequin head he saw.

Finally, he stops in his tracks. 

"Dolores," he says, and smiles.  

I look up at the mannequin. Creep eyes. Weird face. Her hair was a snarly disaster. She wore a yellow hat and that same white shirt with black poke a dots.

"It's good to see you...I have missed you. It has been a rough couple of days."

Suddenly, I hear footsteps.

"Five!" I whisper. "Someone is here!" 

Before I could say anything else, gunshots were fired from behind where the mannequin was.

"No!" Five yelled. I pushed into an aisle onto the ground. "Dolores" fell to the ground, her legs no longer attached.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I yell.

"He pushes me off him and runs back to Dolores. He brings her back to where we were. Her hat and wig are gone.

He holds her by her neck. I'll be back for you." He says. Then runs down the aisle and jumps.

"Asshole!" I yell, but he is already gone.

Suddenly, shots are aimed my way.

I run down the aisle, and see one of the guys. They have a bear mask on. 

I grab a gardening shovel from the same display thing Five got the flashlight and ran over to the man with the bear mask. 

I jump onto his back and stab the shovel into his shoulder.

"Shit!" He yelled. I jumped off, him slicing the side of my neck a bit, then fly him into a rack of clothes.

I run back to where I last saw Five, to see him putting the mannequin in a duffle bag.

"Really? Now?" I yell. More shots are fired.

He throws the bag over his shoulder.

"C'mon!" he grabs my wrist, running through aisles. 

He tries to jump, but only gets a blue light out of his hands.

"God damn it!" He says.

"Don't let go of me, understand?" He whips his head around toward me. I nod.

We run, then climb over the counter for the cashout spot.  More shots are aimed. Suddenly, we have no place to go.

To lights are shined on us.

"Got you." The person in the dog mask sneers. 

Suddenly, police sirens come into the hearing. Both their guns point that way. Five pulls me down.

"Ow!" I whisper. He covers my mouth with his hand.

"Shit. He must have jumped again" one said.

"Let's just go." The other one muttered.

They both walk away, and we hear them open the back door to leave.

"Now what?" I yell whisper. "We have to go, like now."

"Yeah, no kidding dipshit." Five scoffs. I roll my eyes. 

He grabs my wrist and jumps to the back of the parking lot.

"Oh wow. Now you can do it." 

"Let's just go back to the academy." Five sighs.

The Apocalypse Lovers ((Five Hargreeves X Reader))Where stories live. Discover now