Chapter 10

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Here's another chapter for everyone! I also just want to let you all know that I added a new A/N to the A/N book, basically asking if I should make an OC book. That's all I had to say, now it's time for the chapter!

(2nd POV)

A war had started. Death and bloodshed were everywhere. Grimm attacks, kingdoms were against each other, and nobody knew who to trust. Atlas made its move.

Ruby: "Hmmmmm... All right... All right!" She pointed at Yang, confident in her next move, "Yang Xiao Long, prepare your kingdom for battle!"

Yang: "Bring it on!"

Ruby: "I deploy the Atlesian Air Fleet!" Yang looked shocked as Ruby put her card down on the table, before she continued, "Looks like I get to fly right over your Ursai and attack your walls directly!"

She made some plane noises and made a bird with her hands. You were playing with Blake's player pieces while she was completely lost in thought, since she didn't seem to care. Yang pointed at Ruby.

Yang: "You fiend!"

Ruby ducked by one end of the table, taking a close look at everything on the board.

Ruby: "And since Atlas is part of Mantle, my repair time is only one turn."

Arrogant laughing came from Yang, surprising the two of you. She quickly raised a card, a trap card you guessed. And you were right.

Yang: "Pretty sneaky, sis, but you just activated my trap card!" As she said this, she flipped the card around.

Ruby: "Whaaat?!"

Yang: "Giant Nevermore!" She slammed the card down onto the table. "If I roll a seven or higher, fatal feathers will slice your fleet in two!" Oh, high-risk, high-reward. Who will fall? Atlas or Mistral? Ruby suddenly pointed to Yang.

Ruby: "But, if you roll a six or lower, the Nevermore will turn on your own forces!"

Yang: "That's just a chance I'm willing to take." Yang rolled, it landed on nine. You could imagine the scene, your Grimm brethren's sharp feathers being flung down and splitting the soldiers into pieces. Yang shouted triumphantly.

You looked over to Team JNPR, who was also there with you. At least two of them were spending their time productively. Nora, however, was sleeping, and
Jaune was reading a comic book. You could steal hear Ruby and Yang shouting behind you about the Nevermore.

Ruby: "Nooooo!!! My fearless soldiers!"

Yang: "Eh, most of them were probably androids."

Ruby: "Goodbye my friends, you will be avaneged."

Yang: "Not until I draw my rewards! Which are double this round thanks to the Mistral Trade Route!"

Ruby: "Bah!"

Nora: "Oh. Have pancakes." She didn't wake up, though. Her snoring was getting pretty loud.

Yang: "Oh, and what's this? The Smugglers of Wind Path?" That's almost as bad of a name as Fort Castle.

Ms. Warrior, who you have yet to learn the name of, stole Jaune's comic book out of his hands, replacing it with a textbook. Poor Jaune.

Ruby: "Bah! Bah, I say!"

Yang: "I say, it looks like I'm taking two cards in my hand!"

You threw Blake's Nevermore at Jaune, watching it fly over his shoulder. Another piece you sent bounced off of his head. Ms. Warrior was reading his comic, and you threw an Ursa piece at her, but she took it, wrapped a paperclip around it, and sent it straight into your she'll, knocking you onto the ground. At least your aiming practice is helping. You looked up to see Ruby still upset.

(Hiatus?)Drawn to the Fire (Grimmchild Male Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now