Chapter 2

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The city around you was beautiful at night, but the view from above was something else. It was just magic the lights of the city had just took your breath away. You were at an aw.

" I guess it's your first time up here then?" Hawks said smiling at you" The view is always beautiful at night, and it looks like you are enjoying it too."

At that moment the only thing you could keep your eyes on was Hawks.

" Yeah, it amazing up here." You said smiling back at Hawks

" Alright chickadee where do you live?" Hawks asked earning him a blush causing him to smirk.

He handed you his phone so, you could type in your address.

"Here you go." You say while blushing towards Hawks

"Thank you baby bird." Hawks says grabbing your bridal style and flying away.

As he lands on your apartment balcony. You turn around towards him to say thanks.

" Thank you again Hawks." You say about yo turn away from him.

" No problem Chickadee. Mind if I come in?" Hawks asks winking at you

You took a few seconds to think this over. Your apartment was a miss. Plus the fact that you have only had friends over in your apartment, not a hero. At least no the number 2 pro hero.

"Sure" Was Y/R response to his question

As you slide the balcony door open you had walked into your living room, and cleaned it up a bit. After cleaning the area up a bit. You were brought back to the real world by Hawks.

" Nice place you got here." Hawks says taking a seat on your couch.

" Thanks." Y/R said" If you don't mind me asking? Why did you want to come in?"

" I don't know?" Hawks said

" So, you want something to eat?" You said

" Yeah, do you have any chicken?" Hawks asked.

"Why?" You respondent with weirdly

" Because I want some Chicken." hawks say with a smile 

Y/R stood there for a minute overthink what he had just heard.

" Wait wouldn't that make the number 2 pro hero a Cannibal because your also a bird too?" Y/R says rethinking it over again

" If eating chicken makes me a cannibal then so be it I will continue eating chicken because it is good." Hawks says answering Y/R question

" Ok, I will see if there is any chicken." Y/R says checking if there id any chicken, and there was, so he started making a popcorn chicken.

" Here Hawks want some Popcorn Chicken." Y/R says handing him some popcorn chicken 

" Thanks" Was all Y/R heard form Hawks

   As the night went on Y/R and Hawks had watched T.V until Y/N feel a sleep. Hawks did not know where your bedroom was it took him awhile to find it. While he was putting you to bed he saw a photo on your nightstand. From where he was he only saw you. So, he had walk over to see the whole picture.

" What the?" Was Hawks response to the photo on Y/N nightstand. 

The photo was of Y/N and three other people. He asommed that the two behind Y/N was he's parents one. The man that looked like Y/N's Dad wore a smile while how he asommed was the mother wore a fake smile, and dead eyes while the person next to Y/N in the photo looked like a older brother who weared a smile of pure joy. To him it looked like you were unsure why this was happening. He was started by a sound coming from you.

" If I'm.. Not.. Ssstrong.." Was what you were saying while you were a sleep 

" Cute." Was Hawks response until he heard you again 

" W..what..t am...I.. g..oood. For." Was the finally thing you said before rolling to the other side of your bed.

Hawks was taken back by this he was wondering. 

RRRIIIIINNNNNNNNGGGGGG sound could be heard from Hawks phone. 

Beep-" Yo. This is Hawks how may I help you." Hawks says answering his phone

" Hello Kegio it's good to hear from you. I was wondering have you seen the news?" An unknown vopice says

Hey guys PlatiumTie here I wanted to say thank you for waiting on this chapter I'm going to try an update again tomorrow see you guys soon.

(Oh Hiatus) Hawks x Male reader Love for a Criminal's Son Where stories live. Discover now