Chapter 7: what once was fiery is now put out.

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"Leave her alone." No room for discussion, rage taking a human form and pulling at his vocal cords. It wasn't a jump to assume he was talking about you. But it would be odd, why would he care? And why was he saying it to George?

You had tiptoed onto the corridor outside of the kitchen, socked feet finding safety on the chilly tiles, not wanting to disturb their conversation, which had already started when you found them. Moving forward would let you see one of their faces, whichever was facing the door, but it was too risky for the moment.

You heard George scoff, retorting "mate we haven't done anything! And even if we had it's not like it's any of your fucking business." It sounded like Fred had taken a step closer. There's was no doubt in your mind that George wasn't the slightest bit afraid. Deep down they both knew he was in the right.

Confusion flowed through your mind, why would he try intimidating George? George and you were just friends, everyone knew that. Sure you were close and physically affectionate, but that was just George's love language, similar to most of the Weasleys. Something you were envious of; you assumed that's the result of growing up in a loving family. Shaking your head you tuned back into their dialogue.

"now if you could kindly fuck off I'm going to bed-" Fred starts to argue, never one to back down, nor admit he's the slightest bit wrong. But George doesn't let him, instead deciding there's no way of being nice about this, there's no point sugar-coating it- Fred needs to look around and realise what the actual situation is.

"no listen to me. You broke y/n's heart," hearing that was enough to make you bring in a shaky breath, knowing that you shouldn't be hearing this just wasn't enough to drive you away. Your eyes welled up, but no tears fell instead just pooling in your eyes, waiting for the breaking of the dam. "and it took so long for y/n to trust me, because of what you did." Peering around the corner by a fraction you could see Fred's figure. Hunched over as if this was all a surprise to him, each word becoming another blow.

In a sick way you hoped it hurt him, it was hurting you but you never cared about that. You could get over it, you'd done it before. But for Fred, if this truly was all new information to him, then he should go through the motions just as you did. It's only fair.

George carries on, "so don't start feeling jealous because I chose to stick around and help her heal the best I could, with what you left. You have no one to blame but yourself. And you know that." George sighed, what he said wasn't easy, but it was so important that Fred understand.

George never spoke to anyone about how hard it had been to try and soothe you when he didn't know how, or what he could really do. Knowing that it would take some time, and then you finally opening up to him was like the best gift he could've asked for. Trying to be as empathetic as he could and understanding that you were cautious of him not because of anything he had done, but just as a frustrating consequence of the situation, was all he could do. He told himself that it would get better and he just had to wait, and being the patient sibling, he could do it. You had never told him how much it meant to you that he did wait, but this reminded you. He saved you just by staying.

Fred was silent through most of George's words. Letting himself drown in them and fully listening. No objections, no barking back insults to wound egos, just mind-numbing silence. It washed over the room and thus over you.

Fred sniffs, it was unlikely he was crying. Reflecting on it, you don't think you've ever seen him cry, not once. He always said there was nothing worth crying about.

"I never meant to... break her," he confesses, in broken whispered tones, hoping that George will understand him. Unknown to you, but he was crying, silent tears of regret steadily streaming down his cheeks, wishing for his redemption but knowing it wasn't coming.

He truly never meant to hurt you as badly as he did. He was young and blind to who you were and what you would mean to him, his reaction was fuelled by peers and pressure of not looking stupid in front of everyone, little did he know, it would be the worst mistake of his life.

"I know mate, and it's going to be okay, but you have got to look around and see the damage you made." George stressed. "your story with y/n isn't over yet."

And just like that, the dam broke. You snapped a hand over your mouth as tears gushed down your face. Not wanting to give your hiding spot away, your body trembling with the force of your emotions. Under the surface you could feel your magic bubbling, taking its own form as it sometimes did, losing control of it was dangerous, but you ignored it. Full body tears were now racking your figure reducing you to shivers and shakes. You couldn't take your mind off of what you had just overheard. Your emotions were free-falling and with it your control. All of a sudden a vase, from the shelf beside you, flew straight into the wall, breaking your reverie and exposing you to them.

Thankfully your magic calmed down, just in time for the two redheads to jog into the hallway and look down at you, shocked and a little scared.

George was the first to speak "shit, y/n how much did you hear? What happened?" he seemed concerned, whether that was for him and Fred or you. Not entirely sure how to play this, you decided to lie.

"oh, I came down just now, and accidentally knocked that vase over. Sorry" the fact that that might have been the most badly thought out lie you had ever told and the fact that George believed it was sort of brilliant. But decidedly what wasn't brilliant was the older of the two, peering at you, tear tracks down his face, sensing your untruthfulness and not saying a word. It was as if he was scared of you.

That was worse. He knew that you knew, and he said nothing. Instead of saying anything to calm your storm of thoughts, he just trudged upstairs, to solitude, to sleep, to emptiness.

You and George bid your goodnights, you choosing to go into the kitchen to get a glass of water and later passing out on the sofa. 

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