Shuichi needs to learn how to shut up

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Ultimate.Junko.kinnie: Tries to summon hanako-kun (tbhk)

Simp4kokichi : can I help?

Ultimate.Junko.kinnie: no

Crybaby: can I help?

Ultimate.Junko.kinnie: Yes

Simp4kokichi: why can't I help :(

Ultimate.Junko.kinnie: Cause you are annoying and kokichi isn't.

Simp4kokichi: how am I annoying?

Ultimate.Junko.kinnie: You refuse to shut up about kyoko

Simp4kokichi: that's cause she is amazing

Ultimate.Junko.kinnie: 😐😑😐

  Kaede: first, shut the fuck up. Second doesn't everyone have homework they should be doing.

Spaceboi: I need help

Maki: no

Simp4kokichi: WE HAVE HOMEWORK

Crybaby: yeah

Simp4kokichi: why didn't anyone tell me?

Crybaby: I didn't want to lol

Kaede: I tried to but you were talking about danganronpa and you know how you get when you start talking about that

Simp4kokichi: fuck.

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