The end

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Hello my sussy imposters this is the END of this thing fanfic I originally made as a dare I DONT EVEN USE WATTPAD LIKE. A03 supremacy.  I ALSO DONT REALLY LIKE DANGANRONPA ANYMORE AND IVE SPENT WAY TO MUCH MONEY ON DR COSPLAYS LIKE 🐡🐡🐡🐡🐡

Simp4kokichi: we should join Danganronpa
Crybaby: no
Simp4kokichi: yes
Crybaby: ok
Pianobitch: If you are joining then I guess I will too lol
Ultimate.junko.kinnie: ooo I'm gonna be masterminding this season so this will be fun

Then they all joined Danganronpa and died. Then shuichi,maki,and himiko lived together postgame and they try to be happy. The end 😜

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