The Adventure Begins Part 2

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Thokk followed the young guard to a large central chamber that appeared to be a place where trials would be held. The rows of benches faced into the center where a stone stand rose before a chair on a dias with two chair flanking it on the right and left. A man in silver armor stood before the judgment seat, he stiffened as he saw Thokk approaching. He waved a hand and sent the guard away as they reached the stand. He motioned for Thokk to stand before him as he sat down on the judgment seat. "Well well, I never expected to see you again."

Thokk swallowed his nervousness, he felt as if he was on trial himself, "I honestly don't know what you are talking about sir. I woke up and didn't remember..."

"Silence! Hold your lies traitor! You ran away from battle and dishonored your post. You deserted your fellow soldiers in battle. You should never have returned."

Thokk stiffened, he would never leave his fellows on the battlefield...would he? He frowned, no, no he would never do that, he was a paladin of holy purpose...he wouldn't be that person. "Sir, once again, I have no memory of what happened. I met Robert Helmstock only a couple of days ago and found out I used to work here in the guards. I have no memory of any of this. I did not desert, I would never do that." A hard edge came into his voice at this last statement.

The soldier eyed Thokk for a solid minute that seemed to drag on for hours for the half-orc. At last his visage softned a little, "You seem genuine though I hesitate to believe you. We fought a mass invasion of kobolds that were directed by an unknown leader, when the dust cleared, you were gone. The monsters were slain so they couldn't have taken you, you were not among the dead or wounded. You were classified as a deserter and your sword, dropped in battle, taken back to the barracks and held in case you would try and retrieve it."

"May I ask your name?" Thokk asked quietly, a little embarrased not to know it but still unable to remember despite how hard he tried.

The soldier's expression changed to one of pity, "You really do not remeber do you?" He did not wait for a response, instead walking down the three steps of the dias to face Thokk. He placed a hand on his shoulder, "I am general Mayfair. You served under me with honor for two months. I was proud to call you a friend....when I thought you had deserted...I felt the betrayal keenly." He sighed, "I am pleased to see you are alive and the friend I knew you to be after all."

Thokk nodded, "When did this happen?"

"Eight months ago, almost to the day," Mayfair explained.

"Who was commanding the Kobolds? I feel like I should know..."

Mayfair frowned, "If you do it is news to me. He was never identified but seemed bent on destroying all of us. His goal went unrealized however thanks to our efforts."

Thokk nodded, taking in the information, "Do you know anything else that could help me? I don't know who I am...I didn't even know my name until two days ago. I go by Thokk now."

"You came to us, running from something. Something dark, something you chose not to tell us about. I never discovered what it was but you seemed very afraid of whatever it was."

Thokk felt a cold hand grip his stomach at this revelation, "Ok...thank you. I obliged to service here any longer? I have taken another path," he indicated his cross symbol. "I am a paladin for God now."

Mayfair shook his head, "No, you owe us nothing. You are free to go."

Thokk shook the general's hand, "I may be back someday, right now I need to find out who I am."

"Go, be safe and prayers for you to find the truth you seek." Mayfair returned the handshake and escorted the half-orc from the court room. "Return when you can and tell me of your adventures."

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