Chasing Cars- Song Preference (Cashton)

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Ashton: "We'll do it all, everything on our own. We don't need, anything, or anyone."

Ashton's POV

We were just heading over to y/n's house. We were sitting together in the car as I drove, holding hands and singing along to Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol. We had just gone out for dinner.

Y/n and I have been dating for 3 years. Since I've been 19. Now I'm 22 and I have no doubt about who I want to spend the rest of my life with. Her. She meant everything to me. That was exactly why we were going to her house. To tell her parents that I asked her to marry me. But they don't understand. Even after dating Y/n for so long they don't understand that I would never hurt her. After 3 years they still don't approve of me. My mom on the other hand, is in love with y/n. When they see that I'm willing to marry her, maybe, just maybe they'll realize how much I love her. I'm leaving for tour next month. I'll be away for another 9 months then. I didn't want to waste anytime at all. She could come with me on tour and then we could get married and move in together after that.

Y/n hands were shaking as I held it. I couldn't tell if it was from happiness or nervousness. But I knew immediately when she turned her head away form the window and shot me a nervous smile. I squeezed her hand gently. "I love you and they're gonna see that in another few minutes." I said, looking down at the shiny ring on her finger. She smiled again, less nervous this time and fiddled witht he ring on her finger. She let out a long sigh. "Ash, I love you so much. You know me. I never go against their will. Of course besides loving you. I just, I-I hope they're okay with this because I'm really nevous right now. I don't know, suppose they react badly or they get angry or-or-" "Hey, shhh" i silenced her, rubbing my finger over her knuckles in a comforting manner. "It's gonna be okay, WE are gonna be okay." I assure her before stopping the car.  "Come now." I say, letting out a breath I didn't know I was even holding. She nodded, as we got out of the car. It's true though. Y/n has always been an excellent daughter to her parents.

We knock on the door. her mother opens it with a smile. "Y/n! Darling! How was your dinner with your friend Mia?" her mom hugged her tightly and then saw me. She shot me a glare and I shifted uncomfortably under it. Y/n let out a nervous chuckle. "Umm/\... I actually was out with Ashton.." she murmured nervously again. Her mother coldly adressed us to come in. 



"Okay mom and dad. I said with a lot more confidence than I expected, gathering their attention. I looked at Ashton who stood next to me smiling. "Yes?' my father said noticing our exchange. "I have to tell you guys something." she smiled. "Go on." her mother said hesitantly. " Ashton and I are getting married!" she said with excitement, showing her ring. They stood up, furious. "what?! No!" my mom shouted. "We will not allow you to do this! This boy tours the world and probably sleeps with thousands of other girls! Give him that ring back right now! I allowed you to date him but that's enough!" My dad said. " I don't! I am very faithful to y/n!" Ashton shot back. My smile vanished and there was menace in the house.


We drove back, with my suitcase at the back of the car. I looked outside the window as tears rolled down my cheeks. I told my parents we were getting married and an hour later, I'm kicked out fo the house, without any blessings. "Hey..don't cry." Ashton whispered, kissing me passionately. "They said they never want to see me again, Ash." I choked out a sob. "It's okay y/n. You've been a brilliant daughter but you're grown now. They never understood us." she nodded her head and rested it on my shoulder, sobering down. "We'll do it all on our own, we don't need them or anyone. I love you." I smiled, knowing she would too. She looked up at me and smiled. "I love you too."

Calum: "If I lay here, If I just lay here. Would you lie with me and just forget the world?"

My schedule was killing me. We had to record our new EP and then immediately leave for some award show. We came back and then had a photoshoot for the next album. What bugged me was this was my last week before I leave for the world tour. I wanted to spend it with Y/n but I ended up working the whole time. Tonight, Y/n and I were supposed to go for dinner but hip hip hooray. I'm here sitting in the car going home at 11pm. I was tired. Tired and scared. Tired becuase of the events of the day. And scared. Very scared that ultimately Y/n was gonna get tired of me, and leave. But she understood, She told me she understood countless number of times. She's patient and loving. But she's not a saint and she has her limits.

The moment we reached, I got out of the car and ran to our front door. Y/n and I moved in together a month ago. I thought staying together would make us closer but it didn't. We were closer, but it moreover included Y/n lacking sleep, staying up every night and waiting for me.

I unlocked the door quickly, seeing y/n at the kitchen counter packing some basket in her shorts and casual shirt. My face fell and I sighed. She obviously couldn't sit in a dress till midnight could she. Her makeup was wiped clean and she looked beautiful. But now wasn't the time to shower her with compliments but to apologize. Instead of walking to her, to ask her what she was doing, I just plonked on the couch with a sigh. "y/n..I" I began. She waved me off. "Calum, really, it's okay." she sighed coming over and resting her head on my shoulder. I immediately wrapped my arms around her waist. "I'm so sorry." I said, without realizing my voice cracked. But y/n did. She immediately got up and examined my face. "Calum? Are you crying? Please don't" she said with worry laced in her voice as she hugged me. "I know you think I'm gonna leave. I'm not. I'm right here. Till the end okay? Atleast till you leave me." "i'm not going to leave you y/n." I said hugging her tightly. She kissed me softly and smiled. "Are you too tired?" she asked me. " No, no why?" I answered. "Because I wanted to go to the open park."


"A little late for a picnic. I know." y/n laughed, eating some chips. I laughed. "No babe. It's different." I smiled.

We were at the park, under a dim light. It was late, and no one was there. I bit into a sandwich and groaned. "You make the best sandwiches everr!!" I scream. "Shhh!! It's midnight Cal!" she shushed me, laughing at my childish antics simultaneously. I chuckled again, softly. Sighing, she laid back onto the grass, keeping her chip packet at the side. I looked over to her, munching. " What?" I asked her, swallowing what I was chewing. "Nothing. Can I ask you two questions?" she asked softly. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Of course. Anything." "Okay. Come here next to me?" she asked, patting the spot next to her. I kept my sandwich down and laid down, pulling her into me. She cuddled into me and sighed again. "What's the second question?" I ask her, pushing a loose strand of her behind her ear.

She looked into my eyes and smiled as I founf myself doing the same. She then shifted her gaze to the sky, staring intently. "What?" I asked again, chuckling in confusion. "Well," she began and I kissed her shoulder, nudging her to go on. "If I asked you to lay here with me, just lay here, would you lie with me and forget about the world?" she murmured, dreaming and looking into the night. My smile quickly faded.

Could she be tired of me? Was she asking me to give up the world tour? For her, I would in a heart beat. But what about the boys? They were depending on me. Even more the fans. She noticed my worried expression and repeated tenderly, " Would you, Cal?" no bad intention in her voice, just sadness, hurt and doubt.

Who am I kidding? Of course I would. "For you? Definitely." I said, not wasting another second. Her smile grew back and she sighed contently this time. She snuggled into me. After a few moments of silence, I softly asked her, " Do you want me to give up tour?" She sat up straight, with a wide smile. " No. I just needed to know. Come now, let's go home." 

It was then when I knew, There would never be anyone better than y/n. There would be no one besides her. She was for me and as we walked back to the car, I found myself pondering on whether I should pick out a silver ring or a platinum one at Tiffany's the next day.

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