Best friends on kiss cam

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Luke: "thanks for this y/n. I'm so excited!" Luke exclaimed, as you guys got seated, the game starting. "Why didn't you bring your brother?" He asked. "Because I like you better." You smiled. Luke grinned. "Well, I can't say I'm not an amazingly lovable person.." Luke said, putting on a fake British accent. You laugh. "Okay, you're usually good, but that was a really bad imitation of Harry St-". You didn't get to complete your sentence as Luke got up, and rushed past you. You looked in his direction in confusion. He was actually running. You couldn't figure what was wrong till someone from behind tapped your shoulder and pointed to the screen. You guys were on the kiss cam. You gasped and everyone around you started giggling and laughing. Your cheeks were flushed in embarrassment and you got up, picked your stuff and went walking quickly, in the same direction. You got your phone out and dialed Luke as you approached the car park. You were angry now, because Luke make you look like a fool. You keep walking and his phone rings but he doesn't pick up.

Walking towards your car, you see his tall, lanky frame standing, with his back facing you. He was staring down, at what you assumed was his phone, as you were calling him. "Luke!" You yelled. You were probably red in the face, but you were too mad to care. He turned around and his eyes widened at your in comparison to him, tiny figure quickly approaching him. "What the hell was that?! You can't just run out like that because the kiss cam came on! Why did you do t-" you were cut short when he pulled you in by your waist and kissed you hard. You finally pulled away to catch a breath, and you look up to him shocked. "Because I didn't have the courage to do this over there." He answered, panting slightly. You smiled slightly, touching your lips. You just kissed your best friend.

Michael: "They've still not scored! Its high time! What the hell!?" Michael screamt. "Okay, okay calm down, they'll score." You assured him. He sulked, slouching in his seat. "Oh!! Goal..goal...goal..goal..GOAL!!" He screamt and jumped a foot high. It was the break and everyone begun to go get snacks from the counters. "Yeaaaa!!!" He did a weird, uncoordinated victory dance. You laughed. "Sit down Michael!" He wasn't having it. "Michael!" You screamt and yanked him down with everything in you, laughing. He fell straight into your lap, which only caused you both to laugh more. "You're so heavy, get off!" "Not until you give me a kiss on the cheek, y/n." He cheekily requested. "Get off first." You laughed. He pouted and shifted into his seat, which was next to you, smiling. "Stop being cute, Mikey." You warned playfully.

Suddenly, everyone around both of you started cheering. Michael looked confused but then you tapped his thigh, gulping and pointing to the Kiss Cam screen. His eyes widened as he swallowed hard, everyone cheering more. "KISS HER KISS HER KISS HER!" he looked at you nervously. "Should we..?" You asked hesitantly. "I wouldn't mind.." he muttered, scratching the back of his neck slightly. "Well neither do I." You whisper, pressing your lips softly on his. The whole crowd erupted in screams. You pulled away for a breath and smiled at him. He blushed. "Hey y/n, is this a bad time to confess that I've been in love with you for 5 years now?"

Calum: "Okay I'm gonna get some snacks. What do you want?" Calum said tapping a smooth beat on your thigh. You wouldn't ever admit it, but you knew you had fallen hopelessly for your best friend. Even a single touch, which when you were 13 years old didn't mean anything, now sent electricity through your body. "Yea. I want some of those candied strawberries. When I came here a few years ago, they had them. I don't know if they do now." You said, thinking a bit. Thinking at the moment proved difficult because of a certain boy's fingers repeatedly tapping your thigh. "That's alright. I'll check for them if your really like them so much." He smiled, now simply resting his hand in your thigh. You smiled at him. "This is why I love you." You grinned, meaning it more than he'd ever understand. Each day knowing he wasn't yours killed you. He smiled back again. "Okay now go, before the game starts." You pushed him. He poked his tongue out and stood up, going to the counter. You let out a huge breath. You could practically feel his hand there, still tapping.
"Here you go." He snapped you back to reality, handing you a paper bowl of strawberries and sitting down. "Thanks." He waved it off. And you both began eating. There were seven minutes left for the break to end and the kiss cam started. Before you knew it, the light tapping on your thigh started again. You stopped eating mid way and looked at him. He didn't think much of it. "What are you doing?" You asked him. "Thinking of a bassline." He shrugged, tapping another pattern now. "Stop." You warned, as it was getting hard for you. He didn't. "Stop." You said again, looking up at him. He looked at you, dead in the eye and he inched closer. "And if i don't, y/n?" He taunted. Your breath hitched in your throat as he kissed you. As if on cue, the kiss can landed on you guys and everyone cheered. You pulled away, and looked at him in shock. His cheeks were flushed and all he whispered was, "Strawberries." You giggled. "Can I do that again?" He asked, looking at you.

Ashton: "Wow! This game is amazing I'm on fire y/n!" Ashton yelled in your ears. "Okay, okay, don't set my eardrums on fire!" You laughed covering your ears. He giggled. "Sorry." You just smiled. "It's the first half of the game, and the scores already perfect. After the break, even if they lose three shots max, they'll still win." Ashton said excitedly. You smiled again. "I know, Ash. I can tell by how happy you are." He blushed. "Oh well, it's half time. You want something to eat?" He asked, standing and stretching. You shook your head. "Nah. I'm still pretty full. Anne really knows how to feed a person." You laughed rubbing your stomach. "Well that's my mom." Ashton laughed sitting down. "Aren't you getting anything?" You asked him. "No. The rush is too much back there. I was only going if you wanted something." He said. "Awww Ash!!" You cooed, pinching his cheeks. He flushed and swatted your hand away. Suddenly, you saw both of your faces on the huge screen. And of course, the tiny little font 'kiss cam' accompanied below. Your eyes widened as everyone started cheering around you. You looked at Ashton, who was red once again. "I'm not even gonna ask." He whispered, closing his eyes. "What?" You whispered aloud.

Before you knew it, his lips were on yours and everyone around began screaming. You didn't kiss back at first, infact, you didn't kiss back at all. You were just in major shock of kissing your best friend of 6 years, who you had a huge crush on. You didn't even know how to react. The kiss lasted for about 6 seconds and you pulled away first. Ashton eyes fluttered open slowly. Yours were still wide in shock. You instantly saw the regret in his eyes. "Y/n, I-" he began but you cut him off. "Let's not talk about it now, okay Ashton?" You chuckled nervously. He nodded sadly and you both sat next to each other quietly for the rest of the game.

The game ended, the wishing team winning. You and Ashton quietly walked back to the parking lot. "So...are you dropping me home?" YOuw ere the first to break the silence. "Uh, yea, of course. I brought you here, so I obviously-." He fumbled and then stopped. He took a deep breath. "Okay, the more we prolong this, the worse it'll get. Let me just say, what happened back there, I've wanted to do that since, I don't know, grade 7, maybe. I understand if you don't feel the same, but I couldn't keep it in for any longer. Do you?" He ran his hand through his curls and then looked at you. You couldn't believe you ears and you put your hand on your mouth in surprise. You decided to have a little fun. "If I say no, will I lose my ride home?" You asked, giggling. "What? No. Y/n, I'm serious!" Ashton pouted. "Well, I didn't get to do this back there, so let this be your answer." You said, softly kissing him again.

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