XO Beyonce- song preference

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Michael: "In the darkest night hour, I'll search through the crowd, your face is all that I see"

Michael's p.o.v

Today was the day. Again. Saturday. Me and the boys were gonna go to the club. It's the fourth time this week, I'm looking forward to going. Because she's gonna be there. Her name was y/n. I don't know much about her. But i meet her there every week and things take off from there. It was already nine o'clock so i told the boys I would carry on and go to the club and they would catch up with me over there. I got into my car and I reached te club before I knew it.

Y/n's p.o.v

I reached the club an hour ago, looking for just that one face. Y/bff/n and I had come here. She knew why I was here. "Let's go and dance!" Y/bff/n squealed. "You go ahead, illcatch yo later." I told her casually. She smirked and wriggled her eyebrows. "Okay then." I playfully rolled my eyes. She laughed and went onto the dance floor. I smiled again. She was just hilarious. I looked around, no sight of my man. I decided that I might as well go to the bar for a drink. I stood near the bar while the bartender attended to the other people. I automatically started swaying my hips to the beat. The bartender finally attended to me. "One shot of vodka with a breezer." I ordered. Just then, I felt two warm hands on my hips from behind. "Make that two. And it's on me." Said the not so unfamiliar voice. I stopped moving my body and looked down and smiled. "Why did you stop?" He questioned. I totally ignored his question and said, "So you came back. I thought you wouldn't." I turned so I was facing him. "Well, you thought wrong." He chuckled. We had both our drinks. "To the dance floor?" He asked. I shrugged. "Why not?"

*the next morning*

Michael's p.o.v

I woke up the next morning woth a terrible hangover. I groaned amd then looked to my left. Holy shit. Y/n was still here. Last night, we drank an ocean and one thing lead to another. She usually leaves early and we don't get a chance to speak. I wanted to take her out but I never got a chance to as I never had her number. I got up immediately and went into the kitchen. I cooked up something.

Y/n's p.o.v

I dressed up into last night clothes and treaded on the wooden floor carefully. Oh no. He was in the kitchen. The floor creaked and he turned around. Boy this is gonna be awkward. "Um, hi." I began awkwardly. "Hi." He smiled warmly. "Uhh..yea so I'm just leaving.." is aid walking towards the door. "Uhm, wait, y/n..I uh...made breakfast." He said pointing to the table. "Eat somethin then leave." He said. I nodded and walked awkwardly together island. The tension In the air was so thick. I was dying to tell him that I'd like to meet hi more often but I was just a one time thing for him. He gave me a cup of coffee and some eggs and bacon, just like himself. "Can I ask you something?" Michael began. I sipped my coffee and then looked up at him expectantly. "Would you go on a date with me?"

Luke: "your love is bright as ever, even in the shadows."

y/n's p.o.v

I yawned and sighed, looking at yet another document in this late hour. My shift was gonna end later than normal again and I groaned in frustration and tugged at my ponytail. My boss couldn't do this to me. It was the weekend for crying out loud! Luke was also working pretty hard as the band's EP comes out next week. We wouldn't be going out tonight becuase honestly, we were both fried this week. All I wanted to do was go home and make some dinner for us. But no, I'm here, sitting at work, working my butt off. How delightful.

My shift finally ended and I knew Luke would still be at the studio writing or recording. I hated to disturb him. But what else could I do? I was way too chicken to go out alone and hailing a cab would be out of the question. Not only would I be scared, but Luke would be furious at me. I tried calling him but he wouldn' t pick up. I finally ended up sending him a message

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