2 - Only One

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Y/n's POV

"Hi Gally, I'm...I don't know" I said sheepishly. "Well shuck that's one pretty name" he responded sarcastically. I plastered a confused look on my face but let out a quiet giggle. "Don't worry Greenie it can take a few days for you to remember your name" the blonde boy cut in. "I'm Newt" he said as he extended his arm out towards me. I hesitated at first but I accepted his offer and shook his hand. He grinned in response. "Alright everyone get back to work, you should be used to seeing a Greenie by now" a strong voice said in the distance. The boy made his way over to where I was standing with Newt and Gally. He was quite tall with dark skin, deep brown eyes and a thin sheen of sweat across his forehead. His glance landed on me causing his eyebrows to furrow. He stood completely still in front of us. "A girl?" the boy spoke, he looked shocked by the sight of me. "Why does everyone around here act like they've never seen a girl before" I said, beginning to grow annoyed. "Most of us haven't, for three years at least" I flicked my head to look at Newt, "He's right Greenbean, you're the first girl to ever come up in the box" uttered Gally.

"But...why?" I said. "We know as much as you do love" spoke Newt. I sighed loudly which seemed to catch the attention of the boy who had just looked scared to see me. "I'm Alby the leader of this place, and when I'm not around Newt's in charge" he blurted. "Good thing you're always around then" Newt chuckled. "Hi Alby, nice to finally speak to you" I said. "Yeah sorry about that Greenie you took me by surprise, as Gally said you're the first girl that's ever been in this place". "I understand" I muttered. "Anyway, Gally give Greenie the tour would you?" Alby said, "But-" Newt stammered. "Um okay sure" said Gally. Alby began walking away and Newt hobbled off behind him.

Newt's POV

"Alby wait!" I said as I struggled to keep up. "What is it Newt?" he grumbled. "What does this mean?" I questioned, "What does what mean?", "You know what I'm talking about Alby, what does she mean? The Greenie". Before I could even blink Alby had come to sudden stop causing my body to crash into him. He whipped his head around to face me, "Look Newt, she's just as new to you as she is to me. I don't know what you expect to hear from me" he snapped. "Just forget about it and get back to the garden", Alby stormed off. I dropped my head, looking down at my feet and let out a loud sigh. I picked up my head to see Thomas staring back at me, "Bloody hell Tommy you scared me. Why are you standing there, shouldn't you be in the maze?" I huffed. "I have the day off." Thomas said, "So what's with the Greenie?" he continued. "Nothing" I muttered, "What do you mean nothing, she's a girl". "Yeah Tommy, I've noticed", "Well does she remember anything? What did she say?". "Like I said before, nothing. She remembers as little as we did when we arrived, just because she's a girl doesn't make it any different" I said, "Fine, I guess I'll find out on my own" Thomas said.

Y/n's POV

I looked up at Gally who was standing towering over me. "Okay well, let's go I guess" mumbled Gally.

We began walking around the grassy area, "Everyone here has a job and you'll get assigned one soon enough" Gally said. "This is the homestead. We eat, sleep and overall just live in here. Over there is the medjack shelter where Jeff will heal anything you have wrong with you, it has electricity and running water". We travelled a little further until we reached a short but long wooden hut, "This here is the animal pens. We've got pigs, chickens and what not but don't get too friendly with them because they'll be gone sooner than you think. I learnt that the hard way" Gally sighed. "Aw Gally I knew you were a softie!" I exclaimed. He laughed a little but turned deadpan very quick, "No no Greenie you've got me all wrong" he spoke. "If you say so".

He turned me around, "See over there?" said Gally pointing so a huddle of trees in the corner of the glade, "Yes" I responded. "That's the deadheads".

Based on the name I wasn't sure I wanted to know more but yet I continued, "What's deadheads?" I queried, "That's where we put all the shanks that have died" Gally said. "Well thanks for letting me know Gally!" I said sarcastically. "My pleasure" He chuckled. "Anyways, moving on, over there are the gardens where we grow and plant stuff, then there's the kitchen where you'll find Frypan spending most of his time, he makes some shucking good eggs and-", "Who's that over there speaking to Newt?" I interrupted Gally. "That's Thomas, and let me tell you, you're reacting to all of this a lot better than he did Greenie". I hesitated for a moment.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. "When Thomas got out the box, I don't know what was wrong with him, he thought we were all his enemies or that we were trying to kill the shank, so he tried to make a run for it through the walls and into the maze that is until he face planted and good at that". "What do you mean good at that?" I said, "Well he wouldn't have survived the maze without being prepared to face the grievers", "Grievers?" I questioned. "Grievers are creatures that live in the maze, but they only come out at night. None of us have seen one apart from the runners but you can hear them moving and clashing when it gets dark".

As Gally finished talking I felt myself being drawn towards the opening in the walls. "Hey Greenie what do you think you're doing?" Gally called out, "I-I'm just looking" I murmured as I quickened my pace. "Don't even think about it!" Gally raised his voice at me. "Stop stressing eyebrows!" I talked back, "What?..." He whispered.

I stopped just metres away from the gap and I felt Gally trail up behind me "Good one." I heard him say and I smirked in response. As I was staring down what looked like a vine covered hallway I noticed a figure travelling fast towards me. He grew closer and I saw him slowly look me up and down then a grin spread across his face. The boy flew past me leaving me breathless, "Who was that?" I said to Gally. "That was Minho. Keeper of the runners". "Minho" I spoke quietly to myself. "Come on then Greenie that's enough excitement for now. We need to start getting ready for the bonfire tonight".


Hi sorry if this is too descriptive or anything for you, I just want people who haven't watched maze runner to get a detailed image in their head of what the glade is like. Please vote :)

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