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Hi I don't think I will continue this story unless some people really want me to but for the time being I'm going to post some random chapters I have written for this story. Sorry.

Y/n's POV

I don't know what's wrong with Minho, he's been acting off with me this whole day. I see Gally step out from the homestead so I hurry towards him. "Hey y/n" Gally said as he saw me approaching. "Hey Gally" I spoke softly, "Do you know what's wrong with Minho?" I asked. "Shuck knows, he seemed fine to me. Why do you ask?" he replied. "I'm not sure really. He's just been acting strange with me all day and I'm not sure why. I don't think I did anything but what if I did without realising it and-" Gally cut me off, "Woah calm down y/n you didn't do anything wrong. Minho is probably just tired that's all. I mean I would be too if I was running about a shucking maze all day". "Yeah I guess it could just be that." I said as I threw my arms around him, "Thanks Gally" I whispered. "Of course. Anytime" He spoke with a smile.

I turned back to look at everyone and noticed Minho glaring in my direction. He rolled his eyes and whispered something to the other boys that was clearly very funny because the glade erupted into a fit of laughter. I looked back at Gally who had a scowl on his face, "Tired, sure" I said lowly. I dragged myself over to a log and sat down leaning against it. I pulled my knees up to my chest and rested my head against them. I felt the tingly feeling behind my eyes like I was about to cry, but I wouldn't. I don't want to let something this stupid affect me.

Minho's POV

I looked around and there she was and to no shock Gally was standing right beside her. It was so obvious that he wanted her and I know she knows it but she just won't admit it. She can be so stubborn.

They were hugging now and I couldn't bear to look at it, I hate that it bothers me. She looked over at me, catching me staring, but I had to show her how little I cared. I rolled my eyes at their pathetic show and I was now looking back at the group, "Look over there. The slut and the shuck face, seems like the perfect match to me" I whispered. Everyone broke into laughter.

Y/n's POV

I felt someone's presence beside me. "You alright love?". I looked up to see Newt looking at me with a comforting smile, "Yes I'm fine thanks" I answered. "It's Minho, isn't it?" he said softly. I nodded lightly, "I don't know what went wrong. He's not himself" I spoke. "He's jealous" said Newt abruptly. "What?" I questioned, "He's jealous. He tries to play it off but I can see through him". "But jealous about what?" I said, "He thinks there is something going on between you and Gally". "That shuck face. He's never going to believe me!" I exclaimed.

Before I knew it I was heading over to Minho. I tapped him hard on the shoulder and he swung his head round to meet my eyes. "What?" he spat. "Can we talk?" I said, "Okay fine". We walked away from the group a little so they wouldn't overhear. "I know why you've been off with me Minho, and I think it's so shucking stupid". "What are you talking about y/n", "I know you're jealous" I blurted. "Please, jealous of what?" he hissed, "Newt told me. He can see right through your act. Why don't you believe me when I tell you there's nothing going on between me and Gally" I huffed, "Come on y/n it's so obvious he wants to fuck you and you do nothing to make him think he can't. You do nothing to make him know that you're mine" Minho said. "Wow you are unbelievable Minho. You don't own me I can do anything I want to do you shuck face" I shouted. "Oh, god, you've hurt me there. What will I ever do now, I'll be scarred for years!" he said sarcastically. I grinded my jaw at his comment and looked up to lock eyes with him "I'll give you something to be jealous about".

My eyes scanned the people around me and I found what I was looking for. I turned back to Minho and gave him a wink before I strutted off towards Thomas. "Hey Thomas" I said with a smirk on my face as I grew closer. He looked up at me with wide eyes and smiled, "Hey" he replied. I sat myself down on his knee which caused him to quickly straighten up. I placed his arm so it was wrapped around my waist and I stared deeply into his eyes, "What are you-", "Your eyes are so pretty Thomas" I interrupted. His cheeks became a light shade of red and a subtle smile was plastered across his face. I sensed his breathing getting heavier and he didn't know where to land his gaze. I placed my hand on his jaw and turned his head to look up at me, "Don't think Thomas, just do" I whispered into his ear. Before I could even blink he crashed his lips into mine, which sent a tingling sensation all through my body.

The kiss was rough at first but became more gentle and passionate. He slowly trailed his hand under my shirt and up my back, goosebumps formed all over me. I bit his lip as I pulled away and smirked at him, "Not bad" I panted. He shook his head and laughed at my remark, "You have no idea how much I've wanted to do that y/n" he spoke. I pressed my forehead against his and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath then I turned my head and looked over at Minho, his eyes were full of anger like I'd never seen before and his fists were clenched at his sides. This was the reaction I was looking for. I mouthed to him 'what's wrong' with a wide smile on my face, which annoyed him even more as I could see his chest rising faster and he pressed his lips together.

I bit my lip lightly before moving my head back around to face Thomas, "Sorry I have to go" I said quickly as I got up from his lap. "Wait y/n!", he grabbed my wrist but I pulled myself free and hurried towards the homestead.

Minho's POV

She winked at me and then walked off, her hips swaying as she did so. As soon as I saw her heading for Thomas I knew that things wouldn't go well.

Something clicked in me when I saw her place herself on his lap and drape her arm around his neck. I clenched my jaw and turned my body so they were directly in front of me. My eyes were set on both of them following their every move.

I almost felt sorry for Thomas. I could see him struggling to keep his composure but he had no idea she was just using him to mess with me. The way she spoke to him and giggled around him does something to me that I didn't like. I hate the hold she has on me. I know I should tell her how I feel but I let my pride get in the way too often.

All of a sudden my vision turned red as I witnessed the one person I love and care about most kiss someone else right in front of my eyes. I was overwhelmed with anger and sadness at once. My fists were clenched so hard my arms began to shake. I pressed my lips together so no one would notice the bottom one trembling, I could feel my heart beating in my ears. My heart slowly shattered and I didn't know what to do with myself.

She looked up at me smiling wide, clearly pleased with what she had just pulled off.

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