Smoke and mirrors

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"Can I turn the radio down" Peter asked
"Fine" I said as he turned it down
Malia looked up at the moon
"Are you okay" Peter asked her
"Yeah yeah" she said
"Are you trying to stay in control" Peter asked.
"No I'm trying to stay human" malia said
"That's were your wrong your going against bezerkers you need to focus on the animal inside" Peter said
I looked be hind is to see the moon we pulled in were we could get to the church smoke and mirrors.
I hoped out as I seen Derek go flying from the prison van. And the bezerkers threw him into the brick wall and stabbed him Braden started to shot the bezerkers as it ran off.
"Go go save Scott" Derek said
As I ran into the church
It was full of bones and glass.
"Stop stop stop okay we need to figure out were we are" Peter said as stiles phone started to wring
"Yeah yeah I k you can ground me you will need a lot of fire power I heard listening to the conversation.
"What do we do now" liam said
"Duck" Malia yelled as we ran
The bezerker ran and broken a rock to get to us Malia started to growl
And so did liam "I'll go help deke and Braden with Kate" I yelled as I ran out once I got out I got pushed by late and thrown into a wall I fell to my knees I got up as fast as I could and ran I got pushed into the ground I hit my head on the ground forhead first the bezerker grabbed me by the neck
"So madison I have not seen you in a while" Kate said. And laughed
"Go to hell bitch"i yelled at Kate
"Oh no" she said
"What are you anyways I seen you were in the deadpool your worth a lot of money" Kate Said
"I'm a witch" I yelled as I punched the bezerker and ran moate grabbed me a slit my thought I hit the ground and that was the end ... I was dead.

Scott's pov
"Hey guys were is Maddie I have not seen her since she left" liam said
"What do you mean she left" I yelled
"To stop Kate" liam explained
"What" I yelled
"Find her" I said
"Peter is in the van Kate is gone Chris shot her so go" i added as I ran to find my best friend.
"Maddie maddie" I yelled as I turned the corner of the church to find my best friend laying on the ground blood on her face and chests and neck blood on the ground as well.
"Maddie no no" I yelled as I picked her up to notice her neck was split I picked her up bridal style and carried her to were my friends we when I seen Liam's face when he noticed her I laid her on the ground as Malia and Liam started to cry stiles ran up to her and looked and noticed his best friend was died and then I relized she was died rate there on my arms.
"No this can't happen" liam yelled
"Why" he yelled "why"
"Liam Liam it's okay" I said as my eyes started to tear up.
"No it's not fine shes dieing or already dead and you think it's fine what is wrong with you your her best friend scott" liam yelled at me
"I know and I have to deal with that just like Allison Boyd and Erica all my friends and they died" I explained to liam
"But it's just not fair" liam yelled
"Liam she's gone" I said "she's gone and she will never come back".

She yeah that happened but that's {not the end} yet there is way more will we find out what really happened to Madison's parents ?
go follow me on vine { wtf montgomery}.

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