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"Good morning sunshine" mrs Melissa said to me
"Happy birthday Maddie" Scott yelled
"Ugh" I said as I laid back down
"Come on your birthday is tomorrow so we are celebrating it today because you now why" Scott explained to me
"Fine I said as I got up got dressed and grabbed my pack of cigarettes and went to school.
"What's wrong" Scott asked
"What's wrong what's wrong what do you think is wrong I am turning 17 tomorrow and I am going to find out if im going to be a good blood or bad blood and u am going crazy Scott crazy I will not be able to control anything tomorrow I could die I could kill you liam anybody I am a monster" I yelled
"Your not a monster and your not going to hurt me Liam nobody okay"scott yelled
"I'm just scared because tomorrow is a full moon and tonight is the game and I can't even play"i said
"Why can't you play" Scott asked
"Scott I'm have to do the test to see if I am a supreme or not it's huge and you going on a date with Kira so I am all alone doing it" I explained

Okay it's time for the test liam said because he staid home from the game to help me
The first one is telekinesis to move something without touching it I think.
"Yeah" I said
As I focused on the candle in front of me as I put my hand out as the candle moved to me I lifted it up and blew the light out
"Okay next is concilium to control the mind " liam said
"Okay "I said as I focused on liam as liam started walked my to me and hugged me like I wanted him to and he walked back "okay that's done " liam said
"Haha" I said to him
"That's creepy okay next is hmm transmutation"
"Okay this should be easy" I said as I moved from one place to the other
"Wow that's cool"liam said smiling
"Okay next"I said
"Okay it's vitalum vitalis"
I seen a fly come by me so I swished it and Reyes to bring it back to life and there it was living.
"Holy shit" did you
"Hep" I said smiling
"Last one pyrokinesis" liam said as u lolled as the candle and tried to light it and it did.
"Yes Liam i did it "
I said
"I'm a supreme" I yelled
"You did it" liam said as he hugged me
"Call Scott" Liam said
"Okay" I said as I dialed him no answer so I dialed again no answer.
"What the he's not answering his phone" I said as I looked at liam .

Bad bloodHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin