Ch. 1

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Draco sighed heavily, scowling out of the nearby window that was easily visible from his throne. The constant chatter of goblins and chickens was starting to grate on his nerves, and as he twisted himself to drape one leg over the arm of his throne he sighed again.

The doors opening caught his attention and he perked up, grinning as he saw Blaise walk into the throne room. Blaise seemed to be just as annoyed as he was; with both of their kingdoms being at peace for the past few decades, they were both antsy for something dramatic to happen.

He watched Blaise cross the large room and chuckled at the look on the rival king's face; Blaise was sneering slightly at the state of the room. Whereas Blaise liked a little more organization in his palace, Draco favored a more chaotic nature. Though he would admit that the goblins drinking directly from the wine caskets might have been a bit much.

"As busy as ever, I see," Blaise greeted casually, stopping at the bottom of the steps leading up to Draco's throne and raising an eyebrow at the blond.

"Well you know how it is, ruling a kingdom," Draco shrugged, grinning at his friend. "What can I help you with, Blaise?"

"Well for starters, you can get rid of the chickens," Blaise said, looking around the room with an unamused expression. "I can hear them all the way in my own castle."

"I can't exactly rid my subjects of their main source of income and food," Draco said lightly, gesturing towards the nearest chicken. "I'd be a terrible king if I did that."

"Bold of you to assume you aren't already one," Blaise muttered, stuffing his hands in his pockets and sighing heavily. "God, I'm bored."

Draco grunted in agreement, turning back to look out of the window again. He began chewing on one of his fingernails as he ignored the latest fight between a group of goblins and a chicken. He heard the familiar sound of a spitball being pelted, and the retaliatory bawking of the chicken made him scoff.

"What's there to do?" Draco asked then with a groan, dramatically laying back against the arm of his throne to stare up at the ceiling. "Every day it's the same thing over and over! I'm starting to go insane!"

"Well..." Blaise contemplated for a moment before grinning up at Draco. "There's always the Aboveground."

Turning to raise an eyebrow at his fellow king, Draco asked, "Are you sure you want to do that? The last time we travelled there it was rather disastrous."

"Yes, because you decided to show up in a full leather outfit for some reason," Blaise scoffed. "If we make a more subtle appearance, we should be fine."

"What's the timeline right now?" Draco asked curiously, still looking up at the ceiling of his throne room.

"Late nineteen-hundreds?" Blaise said, conjuring a crystal ball suddenly from one of his pockets and twisting it around his fingers. "Yeah, seems to be about nineteen-ninety-eight. Where do you want to go?"

Draco was quiet for a moment before shrugging. "We haven't checked in on London in a while."

"Not since your failed attempt at proposing to the first Elizabeth," Blaise said amusedly, watching a chicken chase one of the smaller goblins across the room.

Draco scowled at the back of Blaise's head, pointing a finger at the dark-skinned king. "I thought we agreed to not speak of that."

"You agreed," Blaise said, looking over his shoulder finally towards the blond. "I would never agree to such a thing."

Rolling his eyes, Draco stood up from his throne, stretching slightly with a groan. "Alright, what shall we appear as?"

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