Summer betrayal

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Midoriya POV
I was excited for summer as I was going to my grandparents in Britain and I wanted to take Ochako with me, I booked the tickets for us to fly over and have her meet my grandparents.  I made my way out of my dorm and was going to Ochako's dorm, to get to her dorm I have to go through the common room. I was about to greet everyone but I heard them talking about me, I hid behind a wall and listened. "Jesus Christ Deku is so annoying, his mumbling is going to make me go insane" Kaminari said, What they think I'm annoying. "As class president I think he should fix his attitude before graduating, In the line of hero work his mumbling and other atributes will distract another hero and injure them." Lida said. I thought we were friends. I started crying but I didn't want to seem weak, I sneaked my way past everyone and made my way to Ochako's dorm. I got close and I started hearing moaning, someone is doing it today. I thought it was someone else until I heard someone, "Your welcome round face, Deku was to much of a pussy to take you" they said. FUCKING KATSUKI. "I was just using him for money anyway so it doesn't matter." She said back. I was PISSED. I charged up 50% of OFA and smashed her door down.

Momo POV
I was in my dorm relaxing as everyone was saying mean stuff about Midoriya like he was annoying when the building started to shake on Uraraka's floor. I ran out and to her dorm, when I got there Midoriya was outside shaking and looked angry. He blew off her door, I looked in and saw Bakugo and Uraraka naked on her bed. Midoriya had started running and I just looked at her, "He loved you, Why do it" I asked. She looked down and I started to run to Midoriya's dorm.

Midoriya POV
THAT FUCKING BITCH. I ran to my dorm and slammed the door, Momo had come to see what the noise was and I think she will come here. I'm done with this place, I'm going now. I packed my stuff and made my way to the teachers dorm. I knocked on the front door and Midnight answered. "Midoriya why are you here?" She asked. "Is Aizawa-Sensei in there?" I asked. She nodded and told me to come in, I followed her to most likely Aizawa Sensei's dorm. "He's in there" she said, I knocked on his door and he answered. "What is it problem child" he asked. "I'm leaving for summer and wanted to say goodbye." I said. He looked surprised. "What about the class?" He asked. I started to get angry but kept calm. "They no longer think I am good enough" I said. He seemed PISSED.

Eraserhead POV
I was PISSED, Midoriya is the kindest and will probably be the highest in the hero ranks in that class. He had sacrificed everything for them and yet they are talking shit about him. "Come with me problem child" I said, He followed me out to the common area of our dormitory. All of the UA staff were currently in there. "Tell them what you told me problem child" I said to him, he nodded and told them. They were just as pissed off as I was. Nezu wasn't smiling and he had a cold aura around him. "Very well it seems I need to 'teach' them a lesson" Nezu said. "Wait, Please don't hurt all of them only Momo, Todoroki, Aoyoma, Tokyomai, shoji, Tsu and Koda were nice to me" Midoriya said. Both me and Nezu grinned, "Very well then, is there anything else" I asked. "I am going to Britain during summer and I might move there for good." He said. What he could quit UA. "Well please inform us of you do decide to stay and please keep us contact us daily or weekly." Nezu said.

Midoriya POV
I was happy that Principal Nezu would let me go to my grandparents and respected my decision of quitting UA. "Goodbye then" I said. All the teachers hugged me and said goodbye. I went outside an got my bags, I waited for the taxi to arrive. I got in and looked back at UA one last time before leaving, For now I was focused on getting on the plane.

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