The Pain of Restarting

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Midoriya POV
It was my fifth race in and I have so far dominated this series and if I won ten races then I would go up to the next series until I reach Formula 1 which is the highest. The race had just started and I was flying through. The race was 21 laps long which still didn't stop me except when it started to rain. I wasn't that bad in rain but also not that good. I was still keeping up even with slicks but I knew I had to change to wet tyres. Just one more lap. "Hey Izuku, come in on this lap and we will change to wets" My mechanic said. No, not yet just a bit longer. That was the biggest mistake I had ever made racing. I went around the final corner but fucked it up when I touched the kerb and spun. I'm such an idiot. I hoped the car wouldn't go into the gravel. I regained control and tried not to go into the gravel but my car aqua plained (when the tyre no longer touches road and is driving on water which has zero traction). No, I'm not fucking up this race and losing. BANG! My car collided with the wall. FUCK! COME ON GET OUT! NOOOO! FUUUUUCK! My car got stuck in the gravel, "FUUUUCK, WHY AM I SO FUCKING STUPID!" I yelled over the radio.

I got out the car and took my helmet off, I slammed my helmet on the gravel while watching my car get craned out of the gravel. I should of listened to team orders but I didn't. I made my way back to the garage and sat in a seat. "Did you learn why you listen to team orders?" My grandpa asked. "yes" I barely said before walking out back where the tow truck was. From the looks of it I have quite a bit of damage. Broken axle, front bumper damage and damage to the front left. "There goes $20,000" I said to myself. We tried to save up for a better vehicle when we won this championship and moved onto the next series. If we win we would get $100,000 and if I win the championship for F1 then I get $1,000,000. I got the car off the truck and wheeled into the garage. "Alright then, let's get to work" The mechanic said. The rest of the day and night was spent working on the car ready for the race tomorrow. The car was still damaged as we couldn't fully fix it with the limited time and crew. "The only damage you will have is in the driveline meaning you will bottom out sooner than you think." The mechanic said. This race was easier as it wasn't going to rain till the end of the race and would only rain lightly for almost 3 laps. I lined up in last as we missed qualifying to fix the damn car.

I had to go from last to first within 25 laps. The lights turned on until all lights were on. Green, everyone took of from the start and I slowly gained two spots from my start but ran into an issue of someone who wouldn't let me pass at all and scraped my car if I tried to pass. God why is this person so annoying. After their brakes locked up trying to slow down around the tight corner and I made a overtake on the inside. After a while I was p10 with 15 laps to go. Good, pit stops are this lap meaning I can gain more positions. My stop was the quickest with only a tyre change. I gained 3 positions on drivers who decided to refuel with 15 laps to go. It was intense as the other drivers wouldn't let me pass at all and I had to force myself through like going on the kerb or having half my car on the grass to overtake but after numerous attempts of overtaking someone I was 3rd. Splash. What? It's raining this early but there is still 5 laps. Crap this isn't good. "Hey guys, what do we do?" I said over my radio. I didn't get a response for a while so I assumed they were discussing a plan. "Ok, stay as we are, we will not go to wets" Th mechanic said. Good. I made my move on 2nd which was amazing and I was gaining on 1st. There were two laps remaining and I was right behind 1st place. It was probably the most intense battle ever. I was overtaking him only for him to get me back and this was going on for so long and the finish line was so close. I was behind him until he made a simple mistake of going to wide. He spun. I'm in first, YES! I crossed the line and was screaming into my radio. We went from spending the whole night and morning repairing the car to winning this race and I was one step closer to winning this championship. "Congrats mate, that hard work Paid off a lot. Your talent is so good that we just got ourselves a few sponsors meaning more money towards better cars so good job mate" My mechanic said. "Thanks Dale, I wouldn't be here without you. I'd still be weeping in my room at nana's house. I'm glad I decided to do this instead of being a hero." I replied. We were getting better by the minute and sponsors were wanting us left and right, they all wanted to be the first sponsor of a dominating team but GReddy got that which I was happy about. A sponsor of Japan wanting me and they were also happy when they found out that the driver was Japanese which gave them bragging rights. This was going to be a tough year but I was ready to take everything on and win this.

1000 Words

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