Chapter 3

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I walk out of the Adventure Guild. 

I finally registered. I am now officially an Adventurer!

But I still don't have any equipment. Guess my saved up money will finally come to use.

I go down the street and soon arrive in front of the Blacksmith's shop. I go inside and see a large muscular man with a huge beard and bald head. He isn't wearing any shirt.

''Greetings, I am looking to buy some good adventurer equipment.'' I say

He nods and points to the variety of weapons and armors around his shop.

I take a look at the weapons. I see dozens of swords, some maces, and a lot of other weapons.

I take a look through them all, but then I stumble upon something I really like.

It's a beautiful dagger. It has a decorated hilt made out of some type of black wood. I pick it up and discover that it is pretty light and balanced.

I decide to buy it.

Okay, now I just need some secondary weapons.

And so I search through the shop yet again.

I soon come across a pack of throwing knives. Their handles are made out of some type of wire. I then pick them up and see that they are very light.

I decide to buy them too.

Great, I now can attack from both close and far.

I still need to buy some better clothes, and possibly some small bag for supplies.

I pay for my new weapons and walk out of the shop weighing 25000 Eris less.

Okay, I now need to go to a tailor.

I arrive there after several minutes spent walking.

I then buy a black padded shirt, long black pants, and a long dark grey cloak. I also brought a small bag and several holders for my weapons.

After all that, I finally head towards the Adventure Guild.

But, on my way there, I remember that earlier I saw a magical item shop.

I think that I should give it a visit.

And so I head towards the shop.

I soon arrive, and a small bell rings when I open the door. I look around the shop and see dozens upon dozens of magical items.

My eyes then finally settle in front of me.

I see a beautiful light brown-haired woman. She wears a purple robe and has very long hair which covers one of her eyes. She also has giant ''assets'' and notably pale skin.

Overall her beauty could easily rival Lady Eris.

She then notices me and starts talking with a smile.

''Welcome into my humble shop. May I ask what magical items are you looking for?''

''Greetings, I am looking for potions. Do you have those?'' I say.

''Yes, we do have them. Please follow me.'' She says.

She then walks into the back of the shop.

And I follow her.

She then somehow manages to trip on straight ground and fall face-first into the ground.

I tried to catch her, but I was too slow.

'Damn, this lady is really clumsy.' I think to myself.

''Are you alright?'' I ask her.

She takes a while before she answers.

''Yes, I am alright.'' She says, her voice showing her pain.

''Are you sure? You sound pretty hurt.'' I ask in a concerned voice.

''HEAL'' She casts on herself.

I must say that I may or may not have jumped like ten feet in the air cause that surprising me.

She then gets up and says: ''See, I told you I was alright.''.

''That was so cool.'' I say.

''I-it wasn't that impressive. I-it's just basic healing magic,'' She says while stuttering.

''Don't know, it seemed pretty impressive to me.'' I say.

She proceeds to blush.

''Anyways, you wanted to buy potions, right?'' She says

''Yes, I indeed do.'' I answer.

She then points to potions that are on one of the shelves.

''What type?'' She asks.

''Well, I'd like 5 healing potions and 3 potions of strength.'' I say.

She then hands me the potions and says that it will cost 10000 Eris.

I pay up and put the potions in my bag.

This leaves me with 55000 Eris after I finished all of the shopping.

//Author note: I haven't stated the price of the clothes ;). You can calculate how much the clothes costed. It's a pretty basic equation.

After that, I finally go into the Guild.

I then go to the quest board. And see that there is a pretty beginner-friendly quest.

Evidently, some small group of giant chickens escaped their farmer. And they are now terrorizing crops all over the area. And apparently, I will need to kill them. The reward is 15000 Eris overall, and if I can process their flesh, then I will get a bonus of 10000 Eris.

And so I go to the receptionist and tell her that I accept this quest.

There is one small problem though. I don't know anything about Giant Chickens. They could be giant dangerous crop-eating parrots for all I know.

And so I head into the local library.

I arrive there after few minutes of walking and step inside.

There are large bookshelves filled with books all around me. And there is an old librarian in front of me.

I approach the Librarian.

''Hello, sir, could you please show me where is your section about monsters?'' I ask him

''Oh, of course, just go over there.'' He says and points at a large bookshelf.

I thank him and walk over to the bookshelf.

I then start to look through it.

After what feels like hours of searching, I finally manage to find a book about Giant Chickens.

Looks like they should be pretty easy to kill, the only problem being their speed and sharp claws.

After reading some more of the book I finally go outside the library and head to the location of the quest.

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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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