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ARIELLA ALEXANDRA PIERCE was a normal girl, going to a normal new school, in a normal new town.

At least, that's what she thought as she walked up the front steps of Beacon Hills High School.

She hated being the new girl. She was the odd one out, the one who constantly got lost and was too afraid to ask anyone for directions. Had no one to talk to as she waited for the bell to ring, no one to sit with at lunch.

It took her a while, but she finally made it to her English class before the bell.

Alex fiddled with her bright blue crystal necklace as she walked into the classroom. Everyone had already claimed a seat, sitting next to a friend they could talk to or look at answers during tests or quizzes.

She found an empty seat in the middle of the classroom. She softly set her books down on the desk and sat in the chair.

Alex was sat behind a spazzy boy who kept tapping his pencil on the desk. The noise was irritating her, but she decided not to say anything. She didn't want to draw any attention to herself.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket, along with everyone else's in the room, and all the students checked their phones. Alex stared at the message in confusion,

"The offing was barred by a black bank of clouds and the tranquil waterway, leading to the uttermost ends of the earth flowed somber under an overcast sky, seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness." A woman, who Alex assumed was their teacher, quoted as she walked into the room, "This is the last line to the first book we are going to read. It is also the last text you will receive in this class. Phones off, everyone."

Alex turned her phone off and stuffed it into her bag. She flipped her hair over her shoulder and grabbed her pen, ready to start the lesson.

After going over the syllabus and giving them an assignment, on the first day of school no doubt, the class began working on independent things when the boy diagonal to her was taken out of class. 

Alex looked up at the clock to see about ten minutes left in class before the boy in front of her spoke to the girl across from him, "Hey, Lydia. What is that? Is that from the accident?" Alex looked down and noticed the band-aid on the red head's leg,

"No. Prada bit me." Lydia, the redhead, answered,

"Your dog?" The boy continued to question,

"No, my designer handbag. Yes, my dog." She answered. Clearly this Lydia girl didn't want to talk to the boy.

"Has it ever bitten you before?"

"Mm-mm." Lydia hummed in disagreement,

"Okay. What if it's, like, the same thing as the deer? You know, like, how animals start acting weird right before an earthquake or something?" The boy asked and Alex looked at him strangely, wondering what happened with this deer,

"Meaning what? There's gonna be an earthquake?" Lydia asked,

"Or something. I just... maybe it means something's coming. Something bad." Stiles answered,

"It was a deer and a dog. What's that thing you say about threes? Once, twice..." Lydia began before a crow crashed into the window and Alex gasped, dropping her pen.

Ms. Blake went towards the window and Alex's eyes widened when she saw the huge flock of birds outside, heading towards them.

 Suddenly, more crashed into the window and it shattered. The students began screaming and ducked for cover. A hand grabbed Alex's wrist and dragged her underneath the desk.

A body covered her as the crows attacked. Alex covered her ears to block out the noises of screams of the students and caws of the crows that were hurting her eardrums while burying her face in the stranger's collarbone.

She had never heard of birds doing this before. Did someone prompt them to attacking the classroom? Is this why they weren't allowed food during class?

It felt like hours before all the birds left, either by their own accord or they dropped dead. She wasn't even aware they were gone until the boy pulled away from her.

Everyone began standing up from under their desks. Alex looked around, observing all the blood, glass, and feathers that littered the classroom floor.

A hand appeared in front of her face and she flinched,

"Sorry." He stated, "I-I was just trying-"

Alex grabbed his hand and he helped her up. When she was on her feet, she stared up into his hazel eyes, "Thanks."

"No problem." He smiled shyly at her before they looked around the room.

It didn't take the police long before they arrived. They stared at the room in confusion.

Everyone was confused at that point. Why the hell did a bunch of birds attack a classroom.

A policeman led her away and began asking questions about what happened. She answered as well as she could, but everyone had the same story. It was random. It was weird.

As soon as Alex finished with her statement, she was free to go. She was allowed to go home and decided to take the opportunity to skip the whole 'new girl' introductions she was gonna have to make for every class.

The school called her mom and the loads of parents began to show up. Once finding their child and making sure they were okay, they hounded the teachers and police, trying to find answers.

Answers that no one knew.

Alex looked around, trying to find the boy from before. But he wasn't anywhere to be seen, nor the redhead girl Lydia.

Her mom drove her home, asking question after question that she couldn't answer.

Once they reached the house, the blonde quickly rushed to her room and locked her door before going to her computer. 

She began searching for recent animal attacks in the area, thinking about what the boy from her class said earlier. Lydia's dog bit her, which had never happened before. Something about a deer. 

And the crows.

She began to see a lot of article on wolf and mountain lion attack within the town of Beacon Hills. Alex made a mental reminder to start carrying mace on her, 

"What is up with this town?"

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