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ALEX STARED UP AT THE BUILDING. She just hoped that today would be better. No killer crows or mountain lions.

"You don't have to go today. Maybe we can wait a few more days, spend some time together." Her mother stated,

"I shouldn't put it off." Alex sighed,

"Just... be safe, okay?" Her mom squeezed her arm,

"The moment a bird hits a window, I'll run." Alex joked to her mom before getting out of the car,

"Ariella Alexandra... I mean it!" Her mom called out.

Alex saluted her before going back up those steps. As she walked down the hallways, making her way to her locker, she spotted the boy from the day before.

The one who protected her despite not even knowing her name.

Alex gripped the strap of her bag tighter before approaching him, "Hey."

He turned to stare at her with wide eyes, not saying anything for a moment. Alex continued to stare at him with a confused looked. She did speak... right? "Hello?"

"Right, right, hi!" He gulped nervously, "Hi."

Alex smiled at him, "I just wanted to say thank you for the Hitchcock incident yesterday. You kinda saved me from my eyes being pecked out." She hiked up her bag on her shoulder, "And it's kind of an excuse to learn your name."

"Stiles." The boy continued to stare at her, "An-and yours?"

"Alex." She answered,

"You're new, right?" Stiles asked, closing his locker door, "I haven't seen you around before." 

"Yeah. Moved here from Los Angeles." Alex stated before the bell rang, "Um, I have intro to business with Finstock. Do you know where that is?"

"Y-yeah, so do I. Um, follow me." He moved to begin walking but was pulled back by his backpack strap, which was stuck in his locker.

Alex laughed as he tugged on it until it came free. He gave her a sheepish smile before leading her down the hallway.

"So why come here of all places?" Stiles asked,

"My mom came here for her job. She wanted a change in scenery." She answered,  "Also wanted to get me away from all the spoiled kids of Hollywood."

"And she thought Beacon Hills was the right place?"

Alex shrugged, "This place seemed normal enough. Despite the birds."

"Yeah, normal is not a word I'd use." Stiles commented before they came up to a classroom, "Economics 101." He let her go in first,

Alex smiled, "Thanks."

The blonde sat behind Stiles and everyone waited around for their teacher. He entered from a room in the back and slammed their textbook onto his desk, "The stock market is based on two principles." He said looking out at them, "What are they?" Finstock asked the class and a boy, Scott, raised his hand,

"Yes, McCall, you can go to the bathroom. Anybody else?"

"Uh, no, coach, I know the answer." Scott replied and Finstock laughed as the boy looked around in embarrassment,

"Oh, you're serious."

"Yes. Risk and reward." Scott answered,

"Wow! Who are you? And what have you done to McCall? Don't answer that. I like you better. I like you better." Finstock grinned at Scott, "Does anybody have a quarter? A quarter."

"Yep." Alex watched Stiles as he dug into his pocket and pulled out a quarter, but a XXL condom fell out of his pocket.

Everyone laughed as Finstock picked it up and handed it to Stiles, "Stilinski, I think you, uh... You dropped this. And congratulations." He cleared his throat as if it would get rid of the awkwardness, "Risk and reward. Put the quarter in the mug, win the reward." He explained as he placed a mug on the ground, "Okay, watch coach." Finstock skipped the quarter on the ground and it landed in the mug, "That's how you do it." He walked up to Danny, "Okay. Danny. Risk, reward."

"What's the reward?" Danny asked,

"You don't have to take the pop quiz tomorrow."

"Coach, it's not a pop quiz if you tell us about it." Danny replied,

"Danny, you know, I really expect more from you at this point. Really." He turned to Scott, "McCall. Risk, reward. The risk: If you don't put that quarter in the mug, you have to take the pop... the... the quiz. And... and you have to write an essay. Risk, more work. Reward... No work at all. Or choose not to play." Finstock told Scott, putting the quarter on his desk,

"But isn't this just chance?" Scott asked,

"No. You know your abilities, your coordination, your focus, past experience... all factors affecting the outcome.So what's it gonna be, McCall? More work, no work, or choose not to play?" Finstock asked,

Scott slid the quarter towards the teacher, "No play."

"Okay. Who's next? Who wants the quarter?" Stiles raised his hand eagerly and Alex giggled, "There ya go! There's a gamblin' man! Come on! Step up, step up." Coach said and Stiles went down to the ground, ready to try and put the quarter in, "All right, Stilinski."

The door opened to reveal Sheriff Stilinski, "Stiles." He called out,

"Yeah, coach, I got it." Stiles said, too engrossed in the game to notice his father standing there,

"Stiles." Stiles looked up and his face dropped when he saw his dad.

He quickly left the room and Alex watched him go. Why would a police man need to see him? 

This boy seemed to have trouble all around him.

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