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Maya writhed in bed and groaned, slowly opening her eyes.

It was night and the mental asylum was completely silent.

Maya got up from the bed and slowly tiptoed to the door. Now was her chance to escape for eternity.

She took a deep breath. "Here goes nothing."

She slowly opened the door and looked around. There was no one in sight. She gently closed the door behind her and started running, unsure as to where she was going. She kept searching for fire exits, ran down staircases and kept running and running until she realised she was actually going in circles.

Maya stopped and started cursing herself. "I can't keep doing this. Time is running out and I need to think of something, QUICK."

Suddenly, a nurse grabbed her from behind.

"What do you think you're doing, you bitch?" the nurse growled, choking her.

"Please-", Maya pleaded, gasping for air. "Let me go. I don't belong here."

"Oh yeah darling, every patient here says the same thing. But guess what, NOBODY CARES!"

The nurse started dragging Maya back by her hair. "Come on, tell me, which room are you from?"

"LET ME GO," Maya screamed and pushed the nurse with all her strength. The nurse lost her balance and banged her head in the wall, slumping on the ground, unconscious.

Maya quickly grabbed her legs and dragged her to the nearest store room where she quickly changed into the nurse's outfit.

Beaming with happiness, she stepped outside and immediately heard an alarm.

Maya panicked and immediately went to hide, suddenly realising she's dressed as a nurse.

"Calm down, Maya," she scolded herself. "You're not gonna get caught."

A doctor came running up to her.

"What are you standing here for?" he hissed. "Patient 144 is having a ruckus. HURRY UP!"

"Oh," Maya said, totally confused. "So what am I supposed to do?"

The doctor looked at her, a surprised look on his face. "Please tell me you're new or an intern coz if you're not, I'll make sure you get fired."

"Oh no no," Maya pleaded. "Its my first day and I'm also not feeling well. I'm quite overwhelmed from all the work, it seems. Please pardon me."

The doctor smiled comfortingly. "I understand, don't worry. I was just pulling your leg."

"I swear I'll improve with time. Will you guide me, please?"

"Of course," the doctor blushed, completely smitten by her beauty. "Come this way."

They went down an alley of patient cells until they came to a door marked '144'.

"This has been one of our most hopeless patient so far," the doctor shook his head desolately. "I had such expectations from her. I really felt she'd get better in no time but I wrong."

"Awww that's so sad," Maya shrugged, looking sideways for a way to escape.

"After you," the doctor stood beside her, asking her to open the door.

Maya hesitated, then reluctantly opened the door slowly and her jaw dropped.

She stood aghast, looking at the patient, a flurry of disturbing memories going through her mind.

The abortion centre, her baby...

"Diya...", Maya muttered, her skin going white.

"Well at least you know the name of the patient," the doctor laughed.

Diya stared at Maya, not believing her eyes.


Maya screamed as Diya charged towards her, knocking her down.

"I'LL KILL YOU," she screamed, slapping the shit out of Maya. "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU, BITCH."

"Hey hey what's going on here?" the doctor struggled to wrench Diya away from Maya.

"Give me the injection needle, QUICK!" the doctor urged, beginning to restrain Diya with cable ties.

Maya grabbed the nearest injection needle beside her and gave a wicked smile as the doctor thrust it into Diya's arm.

"Karma's a bitch, isn't it?"

Diya screamed and screamed until she passed out.

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