3. Vigor

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AN: And then there was smut. Before you read on, keep in mind that there are points where there is serious dubious consent, but everything is consensual, I promise. But if something makes you uncomfortable, first, don't read further (and make sure you don't get yourself into that situation by checking out the tags in the intro) and second, feel free to contact me. My DMs are always open here on wattpad as well as on twitter (@isleyren).

TW: Serious dubious consent, Multiple orgasms


You weren't sure how long you had sat in that room. Alone. Eyes heavy and thick from the copious amount of tears. Throat raw from cries and hysteric laughter. Body tender and sore from the hell it had endured at the hand of Kylo Ren.

The lack of light made the minutes, hours, days, bleed together into one painstakingly silent solitude.

You hadn't eaten. Hadn't taken a single sip of water. Hadn't spoken a word. There was no interaction. No one to check up on you. No one who cared enough to make sure you were still alive.

Which, much to your surprise, you were. Still alive, despite the fact that all coherent thought had left your mind. Despite the fact that you had lacked the basic necessities for survival.

All thought, whether coherent or incoherent, had left your mind.

You sat there, eyes glued to the ceiling above you, as your mind sat blank. You could only hear the sound of your breathing. The low hum of whatever provided artificial life within the room.

There was nothing else. No sound of blast doors opening. No heavy footsteps. No low rumble indicating that you were on a ship. No murmuring of someone speaking.

The only thing that sat in your mind was the vague memory of your last interaction with Kylo. With how it ended.

The hysterical laughing. The searing pain that made you ache. The glare on his face, the anger in his eyes, as he looked down on you. The way he had called you his slave. That you belonged to him. That you were his property.

And somehow, you didn't mind. You didn't care about being his slave. Not at this point anyway. Chalk it up to simply wanting to learn, wanting to know why you had agreed to it initially. Or blame it on not being in the right state of mind, but you didn't feel that need to run away. You didn't feel the desire to pull all your strength together and run.

In your delirious stare, in the lack of thinking, you finally heard a new noise, a sound so loud it caused your ears to ache.

The screech of the blast door made you cringe. The sound was a stark contrast from the silence you had been sitting in.

Your tired and sore eyes drifted to the side along with the turning of your head in the direction of the noise.

You didn't react, didn't flinch, didn't move as you watched Kylo waltz back into the room.

He appeared frustrated, annoyed, as he paced back and forth, mumbling something to himself.

Eventually, he stopped, taking off his helmet and throwing it across the room. It collided against the wall with a loud crash. But your body still didn't jolt. You simply watched as it fell to the ground with a low thud. As it rolled to a stop near his feet.

Your eyes roamed back up his strong frame. Landing on the wide shoulders that tugged against the dark clothing he wore. You couldn't take your eyes off of his thick frame, his wide shoulders, the muscles that pulled perfectly against the fabric.

This man was large. And he was gorgeous.

Even in his fit of anger, he sent a wave of warmth through you, a wave of need.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2021 ⏰

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