Shin x Reader

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Warning, you may want to kill me after this.


You were going out with Shin. Shin had asked you out around a year ago, declaring his love for you.

You excitedly said yes, and hugged him tightly.

Now you were in an aeroplane, rocking on your chair as you prepared yourself to meet him. You were coming back from a short school trip to Hawaii, and you had bought him a bright red shirt.

Grinning to yourself after you checked the T-shirt for the 5th time, you rested your head on the window.

Suddenly, you heard panicked screams.

You shakily looked around to see what all the commotion was about, and then an announcement started.

"We are sorry, but we are currently unable to control the aeroplane. Please do not panic and stay in your seats with your seatbolts on." You noticed that even the announcer sounded scared and uncalm.

"We're going to die!" Someone yelled.

A couple of people gasped and held their ears. You held yours too. They were popping and hurting so much because of the sudden change in pressure. 

Everybody crowded around several windows to see the view. The sun was setting, as if bright flames arose around you all, and you were heading straight to the sea.

Nobody would ever see your bodies again.

Shin would never see you again.

You would never see him again.

Shakily, you closed the suitcase with your belongs and spoke up.

"Let's all put suitcases and bags in a special transport device with notes and text the ones we love most. These are our final gifts and messages." 

Everybody's eyes widened. They immediately scurried to write the notes.

"Attention, everyone. We are deeply sorry to announce that..." Crying was heard on the other side. "Death is inevitable at this point. We will die."

We all chucked our messages and belongings into a giant box. Hopefully they'll find it. You helped the others push it out of the aeroplane.

"We have reached terminal velocity. Our end will be in 5... 4..."

Everybody held hands and squeezed their eyes shut, faces pale and panicking. Nobody could fully process that they were going to die.

A small girl in the corner broke out into tears. You and the others quickly followed.


You would never see Shin.


He would never see you.


But you would always love each other.




Her death. 

Your death.

You, his girlfriend's death.

When you returned from Hawaii he wanted to propose to you.

But now...

Now he couldn't.

Because death had consumed you.


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