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Damn it, I keep forgetting to update everything. Unless if anyone has any proper ideas for a one-shot, this'll be the last one for a while.


He held bright, beautiful lilacs in one hand, his other sitting in his pocket. He shuffled towards a grave - the stone inscripted with a name that he held dear.

"RIP, Y/N," It read. "She was a youthful delight who brought joy."

He dropped the flowers onto your grave.

"These flowers..." He spoke, whispering gently. "You said lilacs looked like my eyes. That my eyes enchanted you. It was like every other girl. But... You could look away. You were different.

Without you... I don't know what to do. It's hell here, Y/N! Why did you have to leave? Why...?" Tears ran down Ikki's smooth cheeks.

He dropped to the ground, his knees scuffing. He cried for what seemed like hours, days, and years.

Finally, he stood up and wiped away his tears, trying to look strong. "I hope you liked the flowers."

He left.

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