Ikki x Reader

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Ikki stood up from the table and smirked. His fan club squealed with delight as his opponent in poker stood up and ran out of the room, defeated. Ikki was known to always win in any game involving his hands. Basically, every game.

I rolled my eyes and started talking to Mine about a trip we were all attending next week. 

"Are you busy?" a voice from behind me asked. I turned around to answer the voice. 

My eyes widened. It was Ikki.

"U-um, no." I replied, stuttering. He smirked and took off his sunglasses and leaned forward. I couldn't help but stare into his eyes. They were so beautiful, so...

No. I wouldn't fall for his trick.

I looked away, and bit the inside of my cheek as a punishment for wanting to be closer to Ikki. 

He's like, what, 5 years older than me?! Stupid girl... I thought to myself.

He grabbed my hands and pulled me closer to him. My eyes widened in surprise once again, and my mouth formed a small 'o' shape.

"I-Ikki-san..." I whispered. 

"Why don't we play a game?"

I bit my lip and looked away.

"What kind of game?" I said softly.

"If you enjoy my kiss you have to kiss me back." I gasped at his 'game'.

"And if I don't?"

He frowned.

"You choose, I guess."

He pressed his soft lips onto mine, taking me by surprise. It was strong, but soft. Passionate, but gentle. It was amazing.

I pulled away.

"You lose," I grinned and his face fell. "And I think my choice for your punishment should be...

"To go out with me. For reals."

I crashed my lips to his and he relaxed against my touch, lightly nodding.


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