A dragon's guide the tribes of Paiala and map

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PredatorWings: PredatorWings are commonly green or brown, but in some cases, they have been seen to be red, yellow, or even blue. The texture of their scales vary, but play a big role in their naming; PredatorWings are named after the way their scales are textured. for example a PredatorWings with leopard like patterns and textured scales would be named leopard PredatorWings are also the largest and most physically powerful dragon tribe in Paiala, and are known to be hostile and arrogant.  they live in a hue savanna . The PredatorWings are led by Queen Tiger.

FlameWings: FlameWings are almost always orange, yellow or red,  but in some cases they have been seen to be a vibrant pink. almost all FlameWing dragonets are born in twins, but it is very common for FlameWing parents to keep one and reject the other. It is also as rare for a FlameWing to not have firescales as it is rare for a StormWing to have firescales. FlameWings have mastered fire in every way even learning to turn off their firescales. They have the most potent fire in every way, but FlameWings aren't born in with fire powers, or firescales, but they come in at around two months old. FlameWings are known to be either hostile and hotheaded or charming and firm. FlameWings have a long rivalry with the StormWings. the FlameWings live in a desert The FlameWings are led by Queen Flicker.

StormWings: StormWings are usually a deep blue, grayish blue, or dark blue, but there are reports of dragons having seen black StormWings. StormWings can control rain, lightning, and water and some have the ability of "cloudfoot" allowing them to walk on clouds. They are known to be calm and collected, but if someone annoys them, they have a bad temper. All StormWings, if they are taught the stories, have a burning hatred for the FlameWings, and they have fought each other for years. The StormWings are usually always found in or around water, and live in a jungle and the StormWings are led by Queen Thunder.

ShadowWings: ShadowWings are always black or gray and can control shadows or even turn into shadows. ShadowWings have a shadow blast; they can cause paralysis and major phycological damage. ShadowWings are known to be untrustworthy and will accept any sort of bounty just like a bounty hunter. they live in a deep and almost lifeless desert. and are led by Queen Whisper.

GemWings: GemWings can come in any color of the rainbow and are bioluminescent, and if you shine sunlight through their transparent bodies, they will reflect the whole spectrum of colors. GemWings do shed, but they shed precious jewels and gemstones. In fact, they have even been captured solely for this reason by mercenaries  for their gemstones and then killed. GemWings have a crystal blast that can imprison their enemy but not kill them and have extremely tough skin. GemWings are known to be elegant and formal and are led by Queen Crystal. they live in a grassland full of meadows and hidden caves.

ShiverWings: ShiverWings are a light blue or white and gray. and can control the weather depending on their emotions. If one is happy, it can create a light breeze. If one is angry, it can create a hailstorm. They also have a wind blast in which they can create winds up to 100MPH. ShiverWings are known to be cold, unforgiving, and unsocial. They are led by Queen Flurry. they live in a tundra

FangWings: FangWings are orange, brown, or red. And have venom-delivering fangs that could cause paralysis for about 2 days. FangWings' diet includes animal blood, such as cows or pigs, but if they have to, they will kill and eat other dragons. They are led by Queen Blood-drop they live in a hot and hill filled area.


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