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"Hey, Ify, so any updates yet?" Tunde asked as he took the seat beside Ifeoma.

"Not much, I just started reading it," she replied, looking down at her fingers.

"Oh, that's okay," Tunde raised his hand to give a thumbs up, then he looked at her facial expression. "Hey, you know that I'm right here if you need me."

Ifeoma smiled sadly at her friend. While she was an average student in the Arts class, Tunde was in the Science class and was amongst the few students dominating the science class. They had been friends since they got into the school in JSS 1, even till now, Tunde has always stuck with her. He had even called when he heard the news of her brother's death and had always stopped by to check on her welfare. Here he was, still checking up on her.

"You know, I still miss him. I went to his room this morning to wake him up and then, I realized that he's gone. Last week, I almost slept in on Saturday because I thought he would jump on my bed or splash water on me. He used to do them and now, he's gone. I don't even know how to move on, I just feel so numb."

"Hey, let's go for a walk. I have an idea of where we could go," Tunde stood up, slinging his bag across his shoulders.

Ifeoma looked at him in shock. "Are you suggesting we skip school? Like seriously?"

"Your mom called in sick for you and she asked me to take you out of the school, so you're going or not?" He looked at her. Ifeoma stood up and followed him to the school gate. They walked to the school parking lot where Tunde unlocked his car, using the remote-controlled key.

"Where are we going?" Ifeoma asked once they got into the car.

Tunde smirked at her as he revved up the engine of the car. "Let us say we are about to resurrect old memories. I hope you brother in heaven forgives me because, according to you, we would be desecrating his shrine by going into his room."

"You are going into Okeh's room?" Ifeoma's eyebrow went up a notch while Tunde looked behind his back as his car went into reverse.

"I said what I said. The detectives are considering the possibility of closing this case and if you keep on doing like this. I know you want to keep your brother's memory alive by leaving his room the way it is but Okeh would want his murderer to be brought to justice and we cannot know who murdered him if we don't look for clues. The first place for us to start is his room. You have the keys to your house, right?"

"Yes, I have them with me, Sherlock Holmes," Ifeoma replied sassily.

"Let's shut this down," Tunde smiled as he stepped on the accelerator.

Tuesday, February 2016

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Tuesday, February 2016

Dear diary,

Right now, I feel like I have shot myself right in the foot. You see there's this girl, Toke, she touched my arm this afternoon and it felt like the seventh heaven to me. How come I never noticed her; you might be wondering. Well, she is this transfer student from Montessori High School in Lekki. I wonder though why she would leave Lekki, the MVP of Las Gidi for Ikorodu. Well, I won't understand human nature, but Toke is one of the academically hot students, not that she's not hot physically but still... Well, the first time we talked, she asked me to help her with some mathematical questions last Friday which I gladly did. This afternoon, I asked her for her CRS note when she held my arm. God is this the kind of feeling King Solomon had when he was writing the Songs of Solomon.

It is funny how I laughed at Hassan because he told Bolu and me that he had a crush on Praise, only to be hit by this arrow called crushes. Dad told me that it is normal to have crushes, but we should be careful lest it turns into our own crutches. It makes sense though like I've hypothesized previously, romantic relationships are an unnecessary distraction for teenagers. But then, there are guys who are dating yet they are on top of their classes. Take, for example, Senior Musa. He's the top of the class, in Ify's set and he has a girlfriend, but Dad told me that just because it worked for Musa doesn't mean it will work for me. He further said that I should focus on my schoolwork, that this is not the right time for me to be in a relationship. He's right. I mean, I still like Toke but for her benefit and mine, I will focus on my studies.

Friday, March 2016

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Friday, March 2016

It is close to the end of the second term. Toke came to my seat again to ask for revision notes on the football field this time. I decided to play with her for a little while before giving her my revision notes when David decided to harass me. Ever since I answered some Basic Science questions correctly in JSS 1, David has always been on my case. I don't know what I did to offend him or maybe my only offence was answering those questions and being on top of the class.

I held my shirt which was around my neck as he approached us. "Okechukwu, aka Rashidi Yekini the second, you don see fine babe, you come dey flash abs for us," he jeered as he pointed at my abdomen. What was his problem for goodness sake? I am still wondering. "Oh boy, you get packs true true o," Johnson joined in. I gave him a glare before putting on my jersey. "Hey Toke, let's go," I said as I walked away amid jeers and wolf whistles from the guys.

I got out of the field and quickly delved into my bag to give Toke my revision notes before walking to the car with Ify and Tunde. Right now, I feel like a jerk for leaving Toke like that. I would apologize to her on Monday.

Monday, April 2016

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Monday, April 2016

Dear diary,

Exams have finally started, thank God. Toke has returned my revision note but I could not apologize to her because the bell rang for the start of our exams. I couldn't talk to her after our papers today because I did not find her in the school. God, my life sucks.

Notes: I almost forgot to update this story 🥲. I hope you enjoy this and leave whatever constructive feedback you have, thanks a lot! 💜❤️

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