Having fun

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-----After Dinner-----

"Now?" August said putting his dish in the sink

I giggled "yes now just let me go grab something real quick just wait for me in the living room ight"

"Ight imma grab some more food just in case we get the munchies" he said looking in the cabinets

I laughed and ran upstairs and grabbed the box from the top shelf of my closet then came back down to August rolling a blunt.

"Awww that's so cute" I said sitting the box on the table and sitting on the floor.

"What's that?" He said getting out his lighter

I opened the box revealing all my bong's

"I think I love you" August said looking at them then back at me.

"which one you wanna use?" I asked taking out all 7 of them

"This one" he said grabbing the green one that glows in the dark.

"Well if we using this one turn off the light" I said putting the weed inside

"Why?" He said smirking at me

"Boy stop ain't nobody trynna fuck right now the bong glow in the dark" I said turning it on

"O tru that's what's up where you get it from?" He said turning off the lights and sitting on the couch.

"Off line and u ion wanna come sit by yo girlfriend?" I asked patting the floor next to me then lighting the bong.

He came and sat beside me watching my every move.

"You wanna hit first?" I asked holding the bong.

"Sure" he said taking it and inhaling.

I watched him exhale then inhale again then hand me the bong.

I inhaled and sat the bong down and grabbed the tube in the box with the bongs and started doing tricks with the smoke and the tube.

"U think you cool cause you can do tricks?" He said laughing

"maybe" I said blowing the rest of the smoke in my mouth at him.

"Alright then let the game begin" August said grabbing the bong off the floor.

-----6 hours later-----

Chris pov

I been at my nigga Trey house for the last 2 hours because he was having a lil get together and had hella hoes over there. It was turnt but you know I ain't the type to party till 5 any more so I left and I'm headed back to Taylor house to check on her before I go back to my place. I hopped out my car and walked in to all the lights off and heard Taylor giggling. I saw a green light coming from the living room. I swear if I walk in they kissing, hugging, our having sex that nigga August goin die. I tip toed over to the light and switched it on and they was on the floor with Taylor's bong.

"Wassup broski?" Taylor said obviously high.

"Taylor what the hell you just got out the hospital" I said walking to her

"And they never said anything about me not being able to smoke and I got the munchies like a mothafucka!" she said walking in the kitchen.

She came back with chips, strawberries, soda, pop tarts, fruit snakes, and ice cream.

"You fat!" I said grabbing the chips and sitting down on the couch

"Here Bae hold this" Taylor said giving August all her food then getting up and putting in a movie.

"What movie you put in?" August asked

"How high" Taylor said grabbing the bong

"Aw shit then imma need this if we watching this movie" I said taking the bong from her and inhaling and exhaling a couple times until I felt the high take over.

---After the movie---

Taylor pov

"What y'all wanna do" I asked picking up the trash and putting it on the table

"Ion even know" Chris said just starring off

"I got an idea!" I shouted scaring August and Chris both.

I ran too the closet downstairs where I keep the board games and there it was. I pulled it out and ran back to the living room and sat it down on the table.


"Come on one more time then I'll throw it away and never buy another one" I begged

"No Taylor fuck that I ain't fucking with you and that damn Quija board!" Chris said

"what if August played?" I asked

"Fuck that shit I don't do the dead let alone spirits!" August said walking to the kitchen

"Uggghh... Y'all no fun how about heads up?" I asked

"Yea" Chris said

"I'll play too" August said coming out the kitchen with a sandwich.

"Really nigga?" I asked

"I still got the munchies" he said taking another bite

I grabbed the game and came back in the living room to find both Chris and August knocked out on the couch. I laughed to myself then took my phone out and took a picture. After that I cleaned up then put blankets on Chris and August then went to my room. I got in the shower washed my hair then got out. I lotioned up put on my clothes pined my hair up then got in the bed. I had fun hanging with August and Chris today it was nice.

Against All Odd's (August Alsina Thug Story)Where stories live. Discover now