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******1month later******

Taylor's pov

Well hello there! Long time no see so lemme fill u in on what's been happening... Soooo me and Aug have been going strong for the past month and everyday I find another thing to love about him! For example his middle name is Anthony... Like who would have thought?anyways Chris has grown to like him and they now best friends and getting on my FUCKIN nerves! But anyways the day we went to the mall and the beach Chris met this girl named Onyx (her in the pic) they been dating for a month now and they super cute! We became like besties and she real cool. If you wondering about Karma we still cool and I even introduced her to Onyx so we hang out together now. I'm still running these streets and all but I try tho stay away as much as possible because I know Aug worries about me. But yea that's pretty much it so back to this fairytale I call my life!

-T.Money ❤

August pov

Wassup y'all it's me August. Let's see since the last time we talked me and my baby Taylor been chillen! Me and Chris got close now that's my nigga and all. If you wondering Mel still think we should off Taylor but that shit so dead that bitch bout 12 feet under! But anyways imma let y'all go I'll catch y'all in the story.

---The Story---

Taylor's pov

I woke up this morning to loud pounding on my door. 'Who the fuck is at my door!' Was all I was thinking while walking downstairs. I opened the door and saw Onyx standing there.

"Girl I think yo brother cheating on me" she said brushing pass me and in the kitchen.

"Well come in" I said closing the door then walking in the kitchen. When I got in there I saw her sitting on the island eating strawberries.

"Why you think he cheating?" I said climbing up on the island and taking a strawberry.

"Because lately he'll get a phone call and he'll leave the room or the house all together and I found red lipstick on his collar" she said

Just then August walked in the kitchen shirtless

"Morning Bae" I said flashing him a quick smile.

"Morning" he said kissing my cheek

"Y'all cute or whatever!" Onyx said eating another strawberry

"We know and next time you come to our door banding like dat you goin get shot" August said taking a strawberry and sitting on the island with us.

"Whatever boy just cause you in a lil gang don't mean nun! And don't touch my strawberries!" She said

"Girl this my house and my strawberries!" August said

"Ok both of y'all chill! Aug go upstairs and O I love you but get out!" I said taking the strawberries away

"What you mean get out I got a real problem!" She said getting off the island

"So get out u heard her!" Aug said

"UPSTAIRS!" I semi-yelled in his face

He got off the island and ran upstairs.

"O that is ur man and if you love him go talk to him... NOT YELL AT HIM AND ACCUSE HIM but really sit him down and talk bout it?" I asked walking her to the door

"Yea I got u thanks boo and don't forget about our triple date tonight" she said walking out.

I closed and locker the door and ran upstairs and jumped on the bed with August.

"What u want?" He said giving me a stank look

"You know what I want!" I said tugging on his  basketball shorts

"Nope u ain't getting nun cause you yelled at me!" He said crossing his arms

"Come on Aug u know you can't resist me!" I said climbing on top of him and sitting on his Jr.

He bit his bottom lip and I could tell he liked it so I started bouncing on him.

"Taylor chill" he said smiling and putting his hands on my waist and stopping me.

I bit my bottom lip and then went back to bouncing. He threw me back on the bed and ran in the bathroom so I ran after him but he closed the door before I could get in it.

"August open this door and give me the D right now!" I said laughing and trying to open the door.

"No!" He said like a kid

I thought for a second then starting walking back to the bed "fine I'll just go get it from some random nigga on the street!"

He opened the door and ran and picked me up "you wouldn't cause you want me not some other bitch nigga that can't give it to you how you like it!"

"You right!" I said kissing him

Y'all already know what went down after that!

Against All Odd's (August Alsina Thug Story)Where stories live. Discover now