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I couldn't get enough of him. I was tired and sore but I didn't care. I didn't want to sleep. I wanted the ache. I wanted him in me, all the time. His weight on top of me. I wanted to squeeze him in further and further. I wanted to watch his face. I wanted his sweat to drop onto me. I wanted to drop mine on him. I wanted him to hit my harder, tie my tighter.

At the moment Zemo was in a deep slumber next to me. In sleep his face didn't register all the hate for the avengers and longing for his old family, his old life. I knew in that moment I would do anything to make this man happy. I would do anything, be anything for this man.

Ugh, my body was craving more exercise. I get up too quickly and accidentally jostle the sleeping Baron. Thank god the man is a heavy sleeper. More quietly, I get dressed and leave my room to go to the training warehouse. The place is quite funny actually, all the gun targets have a different Avengers face on them. The Tony Stark one has already been blown to smithereens this morning. I choose to skip the target practice and decide to instead work on my agility.

On my third round of "building" jumping, a dressed Zemo walks into the gallery above the courses. I try not to get distracted by the man as I continue onto the uneven bars. It's important to master all things, guns, knives, running, jumping, marshal arts, and gymnastics. The Red Room had a vigorous training system put into place and Zemo has recreated simulations similar to what I am used to. I'm not the only one using it these days, his whole army trains like me.

"Do knives, Agent Z." I hear Baron Zemo's voice from the speakers above. I nod and head over to the targets. I end up in front of Sam Wilson's face and take aim. Several different sizes of knives and other projectiles later, the target is in tethers. We have to replace targets and dummies every time I train, my strength is only growing.

I notice out of the corner of my eye someone whispering in Zemo's ear. The brief exchange has my full undivided attention. He nods his head and thanks the messenger. His eyes dart back to me as he realizes I have seen the interaction. I see his torso go up and down as he sighs. He motions to me to meet him up there with one hand. I jog over to the towels and dry off the sweat on my forehead. I take the stairs two at a time and walk into the observation deck. With a champagne glass in hand he smiles to greet me.

"Hello киска."

"Sir." I drop my head in a type of bow. I can hear him get up. As he stands in front of me, he grips my chin up towards him. As I do, he smashes his lips into mine.

Too soon he pulls himself away from me and releases another big sigh, "I'm going to Madripoor to meet with the Power Broker."

"What?" I whisper.

"Don't worry printsessa, I won't be long. It's just a precaution. He's not thrilled with me killing the other winter soldiers, rather than hand them over to him."

"Sir, do you need me to come as backup?" I ask, hoping he'll allow me to tag along. I've done missions for the Power Broker before when I was a mercenary for hire. I don't trust him.

Zemo's head tilts to the side like last night as he gives me a small smirk. "Awe-" he squeezes my cheeks, "no."

I smack away his hands, "What do you mean, no? Sir, you know how temperamental the Power Broker gets, you need me there."

"I know, but that would be risky. You, my dear, are a super soldier like the winter soldiers. She wants to make an army of you. If she realizes that I have one than she'll take you from me. I can't have him taking away my favorite toy." Toy? TOY?! Asshole. He see's my face cringe as he calls me this name. "Oh Elizabeth, you know what I mean."

My eyes narrow at him. "Ok, if I can't come, who are you taking as backup? You need something."

"I've got it handled, don't fret." He kisses my forehead and walks away.

"Toy?" I say to myself.

Zemo left around 2pm and said he'd be back tomorrow. It's currently 1 am the next day and I'm wide awake. I decide to watch American news. It's around 6pm in New York as I see big flashing warning on the TV.

"BRAKING NEWS! Another alien invasion has rocked New York today. The confrontation took place on the corner of Bleeker St in the Greenwitch Village. Iron Man is no where to be seen after the ship departed. Could they have possibly taken the worlds favorite super hero?"

"Booo!" I throw a sock at the screen. Favorite super hero my ass.

"On a lighter note, Helmut Zemo has been taken back into custody following an escape just last week-"

"WHAT?!?" I scream. I grab the edges around the TV and pull it into my lap. A picture of Zemo in the Dora Milaje custody flashes onto the TV. "Shit."

"His accomplice, who people are calling the 'Silver Lynx' is still aloof. If you have any information on this women please contact the number below-"

If only he had listened to me! Now I've gotta go get his stupid ass from Wakanda. This is the most dangerous mission I will have taken on, but who knows what they will do to him there, he killed their king.

I know the vibranium dealer who's supply was taken for Ultron. He's been into Wakanda. I guess I'll be paying him a visit.

Wintertide (Bucky Barnes)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon