fights don't make friends

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"Pshh, Y/N, wake up!", Spencer whispers.

"Oh oh shoot. I'm sorry, I-", you stuttered out words trying to figure out what to say when you just fell asleep on Reid's shoulder.

"Oh, it's fine. Don't worry about it." Spencer replied.

"Since it's late we're heading to the hotel and starting bright and early tomorrow. We got put together for sleeping arrangements.", Sencer says.

"Oh! Okay I guess we should get going then.", You reply.

You walked silently and you couldn't help but imagine what holding his hand would feel like. Your imagination couldn't get far before you guys got to the hotel room.

"I'm surprised there isn't one bed.", you giggled, nervously.

"What?", Spencer asked.

"Have you ever read fanfiction? Whenever the main characters have to sleep in one room there always ends up being one bed.", you said as you put your bags down and plopped on the bed.

"No, I've never read uhm fan fiction." Spencer says.

"Oh, well I shoudlv'e assumed that Doctor Lame.", you giggled, grabbing all the things for your shower out.

"Are you showering first?",Spencer asks.

"Yep." you say walking into the bathroom.

While you get washed up Spencer can't help but think if there was one bed he'd get to make a move on you.

Fast forward, bot of you are changed and you turn the lights off since it was almost eleven.

"Hey! I was r-reading.", Spencer stutters out and you can tell something is off. You didn't need to be a profiler to know he was scared of the dark.

"Are you scared of the dark, Reid?", you ask.

"If I tell you, do you promise not to tell anybody? I don't want to get made fun of.", Spencer asks.

"Yes, yes. I won't tell.", you reply.

"Well, yeah. I am scared of the dark. Because of the inherent absence of light!", Spencer responds

"Want to cuddle?", he asks.

But before you can even respond he speaks again,"Only because cuddling release oxytocin which calms you.".

"Sure", you say and waddle over into his bed. It all just naturally comes and you wrap your arms around each other.

"Y/N?", Spencer asks.

"Yes, Spencer?", as you speak you can't help but think of how gracefully his name rolls off your tongue and if his last name would sound as good with your first name as you imagime. Y/N Reid.

"I'm sorry.", he says.

"For what?", you know he probably means for being rude to you but you have to be sure.

"For everything. I was just nervous you'd take my spot as resident genius because my intelligence is really the only thing I have.", he says and lets out a dry chuckle.

"I'm sorry too,it wouldv'e probably been best to not try and fight fire with fire.", you say and also let out a dry chuckle. You can't hel but inhale his warm sent.

"What's one of your fears? But a weird one, I mean it's only equal since you know mine.", he says.

"Well, promise no judging first?"you ask and he brings you picky to his and interlocks them and nods, "Okay, all my stuffed animals have to sleep with me at once because I'm scared one will get jealous and kill me in my sleep.".

Butting Heads; Spencer Reid x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now