Chapter 15 (Explicit Content)

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"Girl, you need this."

"Ugh, I know, right? It'll be nice to see a little bit of sunshine," Saanvi says.

"Bring some back here, I'm tired of looking at clouds," Tara says.

Motionless in White was getting ready to end their current tour in Miami. However, they were planning on staying in Miami an extra couple days to shoot a music video. Chris had invited Saanvi to fly down to see the band shoot their video, as well as spend the weekend down there with Chris and take a mini vacation before having to return to the real world. Two days after returning to Scranton, Ravi would be meeting with Saanvi so that they could return each other's things.

Tara and Saanvi currently sat in Saanvi's apartment, hanging out one last time before Saanvi was to fly out the next morning.

Saanvi laughs, "I'll do my best."

"You need to unwind. You've been stressing out about Ravi all week. Eat some good food, get a couple's massage, get some dick, maybe let him put it in your ass -"


"What? Don't knock it 'til you try it."

Saanvi takes one of the throw pillows from the couch and smacks Tara with it. Tara bursts out laughing, then Saanvi quickly follows.

"C'mon, me being a perv and you being horrified by it is the foundation of our friendship."

"That and your terrible puns," Saanvi says.

"Don't act like I'm wrong. I've seen you come into work with handcuff marks on your wrists."

"And I'll probably have some when I get back from Miami too."

Tara shrieks and the both of them burst out laughing again. Saanvi was definitely grateful to have a friend that she could laugh so much with; it was definitely much needed.

When they calm down, Tara changes the subject.

"So. You and Chris have an anniversary coming up."

"I can't believe it's almost been a year."

"He's definitely gonna ask you to move in with him."

During Chris's weekend home in February, he'd looked at and put an offer in on a house on the outskirts of town. The offer was excepted, and the house would be closed on when Chris got back.

"You really think so?"

"Are you kidding? No way he's just gonna give up being so close to you. You two practically live together already seeing as you live ten feet away from each other."

"But moving into a house together is so much different than if we were to move into an apartment together. A house is a commitment. A house is a mortgage. A house is, like, for grown ups."

"We are in our thirties, Vee. Would you say 'no' if he asked you."

"Of course I'd say 'yes', it's just a big step. Moving into a house together is pretty much just one step behind getting married."

Tara shrugs, "Maybe he's gonna propose."

"Oh my God, do you think?"

"I don't know! He might not. MIW's fanbase barely suspects the two of you are together. Maybe he wants to wait until the shit show with Ravi is officially over, have you move in with him, make sure the two of you don't kill each other living together, and then propose when the time is right. Moving in together is usually a test-run for marriage anyway."

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