Flying Papers

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Amore walks down the street, headed to her internship that she is looks forward to every morning.

She started last summer, so it's been close to a year since she had started the internship. Honestly, she hoped it would never end.

It's been two weeks since her dinner with Safia and she misses her best friend.

Safia is the best friend Amore could ever ask for. She's supportive, friendly, and trustworthy.

Lately though, her presence has been missing.

Since color has started to enlighten her life, she hasn't been the same.

Amore doesn't blame Safia's other half, Leighton, but she does wish she could see the pigments that the earth thrives with as well.

Unfortunately, her confidante is still unknown to her.

The world didn't use to be black and white, however.

The lights and colors that used to be vibrant were sucked away long ago. No one from that war is alive anymore, but everyone is familiar with the story.

We've had many wars.

Centuries ago, the world turned to mass chaos. Every pairing of love, whether it was couples, the animals, or even the trees with the sun, everything that was meant to go together, turned against each other.

The world turned loveless, the color disappearing like wisps of air into the atmosphere. The color vanished during the fighting, astonishing the inhabitants of earth when they realized the world was bare of color.

The were without love and without the lights of earth.

Amore dreams constantly about how love will enlighten her world.

However, she was not obsessed with finding her counterpart. She was willing I wait for however long it will take, she just hopes It'll happen someday. She has a craving that only one person can fulfill- she must see the colors someday.

Amore finished up the tasks that laid on her desk, then packed up to go home.

Walking out the door, she straightened her plaque from her internship she and earned by doing her job above and beyond required. She was very proud of the plaque, but it always seemed to be slightly tilted. It ruined the neat aroma her room gave off and it drove her insane, but she loved it too much to remove it.

Walking out of the building, she avoided eye contact with the others working there. She honestly didn't know any of the employees well. She didn't like catty women or men who tried things with the women. Well, they played around until they found their true counterpart and discovered the beauty of color.

She insisted on waiting, the man who would bring light into her life deserved her world, especially since he technically will be giving it to her.

She couldn't help but feel as though color won't fulfill her imaginations of what it will look like. The future was scary and unpredictable man, but she was willing to wait for him.

After making it out of the building without having to make conversation, she starts watching her feet, avoiding the cracks. She found it an amusing game to do while traveling home. The objective was to avoid as many cracks on the sidewalk as possible. She knew it was child's play, but it kept her from overthinking too much while she journeyed back to her dorms.

She had avoided every crack except one until a force slammed into her shoulder, knocking her off of her feet and making the papers that were previously tucked neatly into a folder fly from her hands, falling gently on her fallen body like soft feathers.

She stared at the work she had been working on for months, scattered around her.

Everything was ruined.

It was all organized by date, then once again organized by alphabetical order of the sender. It took her weeks to organize everything perfectly and she couldn't help but feel as though the weight of the failure she just brought upon herself was taking the air from her lungs.

She started to have a slight panic attack as she scrambled to her knees to gather all of the papers strewn around her body.

She heard rustling beside her and notice another body also helping her father papers.

She was grateful for the help, but this person giving her assistance was the mass that crashed into her, she couldn't help but want to blame he or she for her setback at work.

He or she probably wouldn't care though. No one organized like Amore does. Everything must be perfect.

After she gathered the papers, she started organizing them.

She silently sifted through the dates until the were in order from farthest to the present. Then, once those were separated, she organized them by their last names.

"How would you like these organized?" A voice scares her out of her work trance. She can't help but admire the way the voice glides together like caramel being melted slowly. The huskiness in the voice makes her recognize the voice as a male's voice. Without making eye contact, she explains how she organizes her work.

"That's ingenious. I need to organize like this!" She couldn't help but flush slightly at the compliment.

After organizing on the concrete sidewalk for 15 minutes, the man hands her the papers he organized and she adds them to the stacks of papers she had organized.

She swiftly stands up, papers in hand, and brushes off slightly so that there is not a speck of dirt or crease left on her pressed pencil skirt.

Once she had everything settled, she realized that the man was still standing there. She didn't quite know how to compose herself to introduce herself to him.

"Hello. I'm Tymber Floyd. I apologize greatly for knocking your papers out of your hands. Could I do anything for you?"

She shakes her head slightly.

"I'm fine, thank you for helping me organize the papers." She is still staring at her shoes, this confrontation, or any, makes her very uncomfortable.

"You know, you can look at me. I promise I won't bite." She hears a smile in his comment and the corner of her mouth turns into a slight smirk. She can't help but admire his straightforwardness, yet respect he presented towards her.

She looks up to make eye contact with him and her next words disappear into oblivion.

Not only is he a charming blonde with moon crescent dimples embedded into his cheeks and sparkling teeth that the sun loves to bounced off of.


His eyes were the brightest shade of hunter green Amore had ever seen.

They were the only color she had ever seen.

She had found her counterpart.

She had found the painter to her world of black and white.

She couldn't help but feel thrilled.

But yet, still very frightened.


Thank you for reading!
I hope you enjoyed! Feel free to comment on grammar mistakes!

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