chapter 9

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Today I woke up and got ready for school, my first class was cooking their is only one girl in my class that knows how to cook and her name is Brittany.

She is even good in our other classes, but she always feels like she is in her own world when she comes to school so she doesn't even notice me at all.

I would love to talk to her but I am shy and staying in the back of the class helps me stay calm, Brittany friend jenny always sit with her for every class we have.

So when our next class comes around I will talk to her, I had soon smell something burn and saw it was my food as I snap out of my thoughts.

*sigh* I guess my grade in cooking is not going well, the teacher soon called me over to the desk and Brittany was by the teacher.

Teacher POV

When my class was over I had called Amy to my desk because she is not very focus in my class, her grade in my class is a f.

So I had called Brittany over so she can help her focus in my class, then they left to go to their next class.


Oh my gosh I get to have my idol teach me about cooking this is like a dream come true, in gym we ran laps then it was play time.

Brittany picked up a hoola hoop and held it like a steering wheel, I was in beside her in the invisible car then Jenny was in the back.

She drove around the gym listening to the music in the gym, but then the bell rang so Brittany stopped the car to get ready for swimming class.

Author note: thank you for reading the story, and pleasure comment and vote if you enjoyed the story

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