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~Taylor's POV~

I wake up to the warm sun beating in my apartment window. The gold rays glistened in my blonde curls, almost making them reflective. Ahhh, summer mornings in New York.

Today was supposed to be hot, but I enjoyed the nice weather. It meant I could walk anywhere I wanted without having to put on multiple layers of clothing. The nice weather also meant I could walk to Karlie's house without much hassle.

I slip the covers off my bare legs and recover my bed so it looks somewhat made. I walk into my bathroom in just the big t shirt I was sleeping in and rub the sleep from my eyes. After yawning I grab my toothbrush and start to brush my teeth. I look at myself in the mirror, and my bed head is really bad today, I'll have to do something about that.

After brushing my teeth I change into clothes for the day, and tame my hair a little by putting it into a side braid. I settle on just a simple pair of Jean shorts and an old t-shirt that I couldn't even tell you where it's from.

I decided I wanted to go surprise Karlie, because we were leaving to go on a road trip next week. I haven't  seen her much lately as we've both been so busy, but with the weather this gorgeous, I don't mind walking to her place at all. Besides, it was 7:30 am, so by the time I got to her place, Karlie should be done with her run and out of the shower, figuring I arrive there around 8:30.

I grab my small backpack and my wallet and I step out of my apartment, but my street is shaded from the morning sun, it gets the bright sunsets. Despite being in the shade, it's still warm out, but the breeze has a slight chill to it that automatically goes away when I step into the sunlight at the end of the street.

While on my way to Karlie's apartment, I stop at a cute coffee shop on Cornelia Street and grab me and her both a latte and a croissant. Cornelia street is about 3/4 of the way to Karlie's apartment, so it's a perfect place to stop so that the coffee is a good temperature to drink once I arrive.

Carrying both coffees, I finally arrive at Karlie's apartment and knock on the door. Not surprisingly, she opens it with wet hair from the shower and a toothbrush in her mouth.

"Taylor!" She exclaims with a smile full of foamed up toothpaste.

She reaches for a one armed hug, making sure to keep a hold of her toothbrush with her other hand. She's wearing a tight black top, and yoga pants, athletic but stylish. That's defiantly her style.

She lets me inside and I set the coffee and croissants down on the counter and she runs to the bathroom to finish brushing her teeth. She comes back out with a wide grin, and I can tell she wasn't expecting me.

"So what made you wanna come stop by today silly goose" Karlie says while bopping my nose with her finger. She's such a nerd.

"Well I woke up this morning and the weather was really nice, so I thought I'd walk to come see you."

"Is that so Tay? You sure you just didn't miss me a lot like you always do?"

I am taken aback by the confidence in her comment, and I can't help but notice the way her dimples become so prominent when she smirks afterwards. So very Karlie Kloss of her.

"No, I-. No it's just,"

"Taylor you don't have to be so nervous around me, I know I'm a supermodel and gorgeous, but you're still my best friend"

Karlie was right. She was fucking gorgeous. And sometimes I couldn't get that of my head no matter how much I tried, and it causes me to stumble up on my words. I try to recover myself with a soft chuckle.

"No I'm just really excited for our trip next week. I've been planning my outfits and I want to run them by you before I finalize my packing list, so I thought I'd come over and show you them and bring you coffee."

"Oh how nice of you miss Swift," Karlie smirks again, "I will definitely review your outfits for this trip as if I am a boujee fashion designer in Paris. Show them to me!"

Karlie hits me on the shoulder playfully as she takes a sip of her coffee.

I go on to show her my outfits and she critiques them like she is some fashion designer. I laugh at her as she tightens her eyes and lips to try and imitate a stuck up designer.

Our laughter fades into the apartment as the sun rises more towards the center of the sky, and the day goes on as we talk and continue to drink out coffee and eat our croissants. Everything just feels right. Karlie really is my best friend.


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Hello everyone! This is my first story! Let me know what you think! I'd love to hear feedback! I'll be updating it everyday as long as people are reading! I hope y'all enjoy :)

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