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"Welcome to Pleasant Sparkle Academy, school for magical creatures! Number twenty-eighth in the world I might add!" he exclaims proudly

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"Welcome to Pleasant Sparkle Academy, school for magical creatures! Number twenty-eighth in the world I might add!" he exclaims proudly. He's almost smug as he stands before you lightly sparkling; he looks like something out of a fair that you went to as a child. "What kind of creature are you?" he asks, looking you up and down with one of his pale blue eyes. "Oh no need to tell me I bet I can guess!" He examines you again and then smiles. "You must be a Witch! Why else would you look like a human, ha, ha, ha well I'm not the President of the Student Body Government for nothing!" He slowly prances around in a small circle and then returns to position. "Shall we get on with the tour?" he asks and before you can answer, he goes stopping by a stairwell a good forty feet from you. As you approach, he begins talking again "this is the stairwell for students like us to use to get to other floors of the school, there are three to be exact, and there is also an elevator for the use of special students, like yours truly." He smiles with a gentle wave of his baby blue mane. "If you turn your attention to my right you'll see beyond the divider that there is a large hallway of doors." The divider he refers to is a glass case on a stack of bricks that acts as a sort of wall with openings on either side to enter the hallway behind it, you can even see it right through it. Before anything can be said he prances to the divider and proudly stands next to it he motions you over with his head that pompous smile still on his face. He was like something out of a Disney cartoon, the old kind before everything jumped to 3-D animation you know the ones.

You approach him and he looks at the glass case, there are many trophies sitting on the shelf. "Here we honor many of the school's athletes, not all, but some there's six of these pseudo glass case divider...things throughout the school. This one is my favorite, can you guess why?" He leans his head in close to your face as if he expects that you already know the answer. He moves his head back before speaking again. "Most of them are mine!" he laughs, his voice echoes throughout the halls of the first floor. "There's one for track, obvi, ooo and that one there is for fencing I guess that talent I get from my father, he's French, oh! And I can't help, but mention that one there; you see that one with the atom on top? I got that at The Regional Competition for Magical Creatures Who Understand Human Science. Want to know how I won? It was by one point! I remember it well!"

"The competition that year was tough! But I was not shaken! No not I! Three year champion of the annual Track Competition, and Student Body Vice President, as well as Director of the Glee Club, and we mustn't forget Captain of the Sparkle Ball team, our name used to be The Fighting Frenzy Plants till I got the name changed junior year to The Galloping Magnificently Proud Unibears; anyways where was I? Ah yes the competition was tough, but I was not worried, for I! Unicorn Mc Feel-Good! Eight time chess champion since the age of two was well versed in the world of humans, I used to live on a farm you see with my adoptive parents the Ackers. Now where was I? Oh yes of course! It was the final question, it was a tie between myself and Pegasus Von Peace-Vibes my arch rival, the other two contestants not worth mentioning, but I shall because I'm just that kind of guy, were: Bear-Bat Mccormick-Corn and, and, and....oh right! And Joe, his name was just Joe don't ask me how or why that's what it was, perhaps he was an orphan with a dream; a dream that I stole from him by the use of my brain. Don't worry you have a brain too, ha! Ha! Ha! As I was saying, it was the final question, Peggy as I like to call him and I locked eyes as we waited for the question, passion for Human Science burning in our hearts only my fire burned slightly more than his, because well, I am a unicorn. He tried to mouth something to me, but I can't for the life of me figure out what he was trying to say, maybe it was something along the lines of 'it's an honor to be competing with you.' Where was I? Oh yes, and then we heard the question, 'what is the function of a rubber duck?' I of course being as fabulous as I am buzzed in and answered the question."

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