Assassins creed 3

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The screen opens to the sound of marching and British flags as Monama rode on a horse over a hill.

Kendo knocked him out.
Stain: damn he's loud.

The screen then shows the British firing and killing the patriot's as a eagle watches. someone speak's.
Izuku: I watched them fight and die. In the name of freedom.

Momo: wait a sec. isn't this the revolutionary war?
Cypher: yup, and izuku is the one helps end it in a very big way.
Jirou: how so?
Slider: Izuku is a assassin, there a group of people who fight the templars who want to take over the world. The war between the two lasts throughout history and into the modern day. In fact, they exist in your universe.

Izuku: they speak of liberty and justice. But for who?
The eagle flies off the branch and through the trees. The eagle disappears into the leaves and boots are shown running in the trees. Then it shows Izuku pushing two guards out of his way to head into the camp. People try stopping him but he pushes past them and takes a horse. He rides off into the battlefield and straight towards the British. They aim the musket's and fire.

The horse dies but Izuku managed to dodge them and hide behind the rocks

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The horse dies but Izuku managed to dodge them and hide behind the rocks. Once they shot again. He charged at them. He jumped up from one guy's shoulder and slammed one into the ground.

 He jumped up from one guy's shoulder and slammed one into the ground

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Izuku then hit some one with the but of the rifle. Patriot's looked over at the sight in awe.

The theater was in amazed at his skill in fighting. A single man is taking on a army with nothing but his bare hands.

A solder tries stabbing him but fails. He ends up getting hit in the head, stabbed and shot with his own rifle, the bullet goes through him and hits the guy behind him and uses him as a human shield. All the patriot's move to the front lines and watch. Izuku then goes ham on them.

The patriot's then start firing there musket's and cannon's

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The patriot's then start firing there musket's and cannon's.

The patriot's then start firing there musket's and cannon's

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Izuku stops for a moment to glare at monama. He tried to keep his cool but on the inside, he was terrified.

 He tried to keep his cool but on the inside, he was terrified

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Izuku then started running to the right. The patriot's charged in.
Monama: ON HIM!
Izuku jumped from a carriage and pulled back a arrow on his bow in mid air and fired, hitting him. He fell from his horse. He pulled out his pistol and tried firing it but it was jammed. Izuku stood above and moved Monama's jacket a little and saw a Red Cross. Izuku pulled back his tomahawk and slammed it into his chest. George Washington looked at the sight impressed. An eagle flew over the army and the screen showed Boston. It faded to black.

Cypher: so? How was it?
Midnight: and kind of hot~
Uraraka: DEKU WAS SO COOL!!!
Jirou: that was so badass.

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