Hunter... Not Huntress Part 1 - 4

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Elizabeth POV

I eagerly awaited Winter's arrival. I had been at Beacon for the past week, managing security for the Vytal Festival. Winter was arriving today to see her sister, Weiss, compete in the tournament.

I was able to see Weiss and her team in action. Weiss did remind me a lot of Winter. From personality to looks you could tell they were sisters. Her team was also promising.

I took a lot of interest is Ms. Rose. She possessed skill well beyond her age. Her use of the her scythe, which she named Crescent Rose, reminded me of Gherman. Perhaps it was that which made me intrigued with her. Then there was her half-sister, Ms. Xiao-Long. She was your typical party girl. Loud, wild, and braindead. Her weapons were two gloves that turned into shotguns. She did not interest me in the slightest.

Ms. Belladonna was an interesting one. I could smell the beast within her. Not just because she was a faunas though. She had blood on her hands and she was just a child. Outside of that her skills were top tier, especially for her age. All of them did a fine job in their fight.

"Elizabeth, do you copy?" Ironwood asked me over my scroll

"Yes sir." I replied

"When Winter arrives, bring her to Ozpins' office. Thank you."

"Copy that sir."

Winters' bullhead touched down as I hung up the call.

"I have been looking forward to seeing you again Ms. Schnee."

"As have I." She said as her boots met the concrete.

I went in for a hand shake but was interrupted by Weiss and Ms. Rose.

"Winter! It's so good to see you again! I'm- I mean- It's a pleasure to see you again sister." Weiss said, quickly collecting herself.

Her friend tried to greet Winter formerly as well but it did not go smooth. I let out a soft chuckle at Ms. Rose's failure.

"It's good to see you too Weiss."

Winter tried to continue but was interrupted by an Atlas Knight being thrown at us.

"Qrow!" Winter yelled as I looked over to see the man.

"Good to see you sweetheart." Qrow said, clearly drunk.

Winter growled and took a step forward. I stuck my arm out in front of her.

"Not worth it." I said while looking at her.

"Oh, new blood eh?" He said while pointing his sword at me.

"I'm not here to fight, Qrow. We both now that wouldn't end up well for either of us."

"Is that so. Well... I know for sure that when I'm done... well you can infer what's going to happen."

"Oh really? Would you like to test that theory?" I said as I moved my hand over to my Rakuyo.

Qrow charged at me with a downward slash. I drew my Rakuyo upwards and deflected his blade.

"You're fast kid. I'll give you that."

"Oh, please. I'm just warming up."

A crowd started to form around us while Qrow planned his next move.

Using the cannon on the back of his sword, he launched himself up in the air. He swung down with great strength on where I was standing. My speed greatly out matched him though. He pressed down on a button which shifted his sword into a curved greatsword.

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