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Harry was awoken by a gust of wind crawling up his leg. Slept better than I have in a while, he thought. He was content until he realised where he was.

"Good morning, Harry." Aurora chirped, very lightly ruffling his hair with the hand that was already on his head; he was still laying on her lap.

"Bloody hell, it's morning!" Harry rushed to stand up and looked for his invisibility cloak. "I've got to get back; they're going to worry over where I've been all night." He said, anxiously.

Aurora stood up as he picked up the cloak. He stopped in his tracks to turn around.

"You seem quite unbothered, Aurora." Harry was questioning the relaxed body language that the Slytherin seemed to display.

She shrugged. "I mean, it's Saturday. It's not like I've got anywhere to be. Let's go now."

Harry, still stressed, walked down to the main corridor of the school with Aurora. Before they could walk their own separate ways, she grabbed his arm and spun him around.

"Breathe, Harry." Aurora looked into his blue orbs, and that was when Harry realised how fast he was breathing, once again.

After he synced his breaths with hers once more, they said their goodbyes and walked off to their own houses.
Harry was bombarded as soon as he entered the common room, Ron and Hermione with worried expressions on their face.

"Bloody hell, Harry! Where have you been?!" Ron immediately stood up, followed by Hermione.

"You can't just leave without telling one of us! Especially at night and when all of this is going on! We thought..." Hermione trailed off, and looked at Ron, "We thought Umbridge did something to you."

"Guys I'm fine I... fell asleep... at the library," Harry struggled to think of what could possibly justify disappearing for an entire night. He looked around and at the clock, which read that it was almost noon. Thankfully, it was a Saturday.

"Merlin, didn't realise it was that late. I'm sorry," Harry sighed, as Hermione hugged him.

"Please be careful. Right, well I saved you some food, hoping you were going to turn up sometime soon..." Hermione pointed to a table in the common room.

The three of them sat down, Ron and Hermione's stress slowly leaving them and them being able to shift their attention towards homework, while Harry ate.

"I wasn't at the library," Harry choked out, refusing to lie to his friends about the events that occurred that night.
Hermione dropped the book that was covering her face, and her jaw dropped. Ron frowned, as Harry continued to speak.

"Earlier this week, I met someone. Her name is Aurora, she's a Slytherin," Harry looked to both of them to see their reactions, and then resumed speaking.

"You both are not going to believe this, and it's only one of the several mental things I saw and heard last night from her... but okay, and don't judge me on this, but..." Harry showed them the hand on which the words 'I must not tell lies' had once been scarred into. But the ragged skin that the words left were no longer there.

"She kissed me there. And then it was gone!" Harry exclaimed. Hermione took his hand, as her and Ron both stared at it.

"What is she playing at? That's impossible..." Ron thought out loud, touching where the scar once was, expecting it to reappear or for some trace of it to be there. But it was as if it was never there.

"I don't know. Right, and get this: Lupin-" Harry lowered his voice and shifted closer to them before whispering, "Lupin has a daughter! An adoptive one! And it's her!"

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