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It was the final day of classes for the term, a week before Christmas, when Dumbledore and Aurora argued in his office.

"You must understand, Aurora. The Malfoy boy is not to be trusted with such a thing," Dumbledore explained.

"But- "

"Listen to me. I know your reasoning, but it is far too soon. Things are unfolding far too quickly, and I believe the outcome to be much better if the two boys come together naturally. If that is their desire, and if that is what is meant to be. I assume your sudden enthusiasm towards their joining forces has come due to...?"

"I want to protect Draco. Him and Harry aren't constantly fighting anymore, you know? Additionally, Draco does not want to join the Dark Lord and you and I both know that!" Aurora cried.

"I recognize that, my dear. But it is best that, for now, you let them be. This is only the beginning of a series of events that will inevitably unfold to become the Second Wizarding War," He looked disappointed at the words that came out of his mouth. "Draco will join the Dark Lord, alongside his parents. And there is nothing we can do about that, for now. What I must remind you is that your absolute priority is Harry Potter and his loved ones. You must not compromise the safety and well-being of the Potter boy, especially not for someone who is not optimistically in his life at the moment. By encouraging their friendship now, you are also risking the exposure of his army. Though," Dumbledore smiled, "it is called Dumbledore's Army."

They sat in silence for a moment before Aurora smirked and asked, "What if... Draco became one of Harry's loved ones?"

Dumbledore nodded slowly. "We can only hope- "

Abruptly, Aurora's eyes widened, as she had felt the shift in energy around the Gryffindor tower.

The feeling had consumed her before, each of them being, as her and Dumbledore later found out, when Harry's mind was being conjoined with the Dark Lord. More specifically, when he had his visions, his nightmares, and when he was in sheer distress.

"Harry..." Aurora spoke under her breath.

"Go," Dumbledore stood up. "Keep in touch."

It was moments after Aurora had disappeared, that Harry, Ron, and McGonagall burst into Dumbledore's office, with the report of something he had been expecting for some time. Not only was a member of the Order attacked, but Harry also knew. He dreamt about it, and worst of all was that he dreamt that he did it.

Dumbledore arranged for the Weasley family, along with Harry, to immediately head to number 12, Grimmauld Place via portkey.

Harry thought of Aurora throughout the Holidays, although more than enough had happened over the weeks for him to stay occupied and not spend too much time regretting not saying bye before leaving. He was sure he'd see her after returning to Hogwarts, though he bought Aurora an enchanted blanket for Christmas and wished to give it to her. However, when he had awoken on Christmas morning, her gift had disappeared.

"Oi," Harry called to Ron and Hermione, who were going through their gifts. "I had a gift for Aurora in my trunk and was going to give it once I got back, but it's gone!"

"Did you lose it?" asked Ron, without looking up from the gift his attention was on.
"No, no. It was here last night! I saw it!" Harry looked under his bed and around the room for it, but it was nowhere to be seen.

Conveniently, Remus had been stood outside of their room. He was about to head downstairs when he overheard the conversation, and smiled to himself, knowing that the girl in question was in the house. He wanted nothing more than to spend Christmas in her presence.

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