Some info (You should read this, it's short)

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I'm ace myself and did not have any visible representation growing up (not saying that there isn't, it's just rare and far between). Henrik is my comfort character and I do project my lack of sexuality on him . I want you to know, that you can have a romantic or platonic relationship without the need to do that stuff. In my opinion this is an important conversation to have. You can comment here or contact me, if you would want to elaborate.

I'll be putting ace memes, that I found on Reddit, as ilustrations. I know that being ace isn't like being not sure, virgin on not geting a hint. Trust me, I'm ace too and so is MakyStudio, the guy that makes covers for me (They use They/Them too).

(Ilustration on this chapter is my inspiration for this book *^____^*)

Have great day!

Oh and... asexuals are valid, even if they are heteroromantic and trans people, even if their are hetero!

Just Netflix Dr.Sneep / Dr.Iplier (Asexual love story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt