Chapter Eleven

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*still Elizabeth's POV*

        My body had been washed, my hair had been washed and combed, and I was standing in front of a selection of red and black dresses. I had the choice to choose which dress I would wear to the audience with my father. I stood where I was for a few moments, and then pointed.

        "That one." 

        The maid-servant looked at me, surprised. "That one? Are you sure? That's not very...." I turned to the servant, and she stopped talking, remembering her place. 

        I was clothed in a dress that was black with red straps and was in a V in the front. It showed a little bit of cleavage, but not too much. The dress crossed open at the bottom to a red dress that was under it. Also, my dirty blonde hair was up in a fancy hairdo with a few stray curls on one side, and I had a clip with red jewels and pearls. My shoes were simple, satin dark red ballet flats. 

        I was now heading down a wide corridor to see my father, Fire Lord Ozai. I still had the strange feeling all this time, that something wasn't right. I felt in a daze, and almost numb to feelings... I didn't feel anything, not about the strange feelings or the lack of memories. I didn't even know who I was. I was only referred to as "Princess." 

        I was called once again. "Princess? Are you ready to see the Fire Lord?" I realized I was already standing in front of the tall, intimidating gates with the flame symbols on them.

        I only nodded in response, and the doors opened in front of me. 

        There was a gigantic room with columns lining the hall leading up to the Fire Lord, and there was a row of flames that a figure was visible behind. 

        I took a step forward, and saw that I wasn't the only one there. In front of the flames, there were two men standing, talking with Ozai. No one had noticed the doors opened or me, standing frozen in the doorway.

        I forced my legs to take a few more steps forward, not knowing why I was anxious and frightened. Why would I be scared to see my father? The thoughts had told me that he was my father, and why should I be afraid of my dad? 

        In the midst of me thinking these things, the two men had noticed me and were turned towards me. I didn't know what to do. Was I to go up to them? Or stay where i was until I was spoken to? 

        As if reading my thoughts, one of the men spoke to the Fire Lord, barely loud enough for me to hear, but the silence of the room and the echo made me able to hear it.

        "She doesn't know what to do. She's wondering if she should come up here or wait until someone speaks to her."

        "Come forth, Princess." a voice boomed, making me jump. I quickly walked on shaky knees until I was in front of the wall of flames. 

        "Kneel to the floor," One of the men whispered, and I obeyed, almost falling due to my weak legs.

        "Welcome. I am Alpha." Now that I was up close, I could see both of the men much better. The one that spoke was a tall man with a defined jawline and jet-black hair that was combed back over his head. He stood with such power and authority that it seemed like he could be the Fire Lord himself. He was looking down at me with lavender eyes and his eyebrows raised.

        "And I am his brother, Beta," the second man spoke. He was a bit shorter than his brother, and his eyes were a darker shade of lavender. He looked more gentle in his stance and less like some sort of ruler. Also, his hair was black and long, parted down the middle with streaks of whitish-grey. 

        I stayed kneeling on the floor, looking up at the brothers, not knowing what I was supposed to say. 

        "Are... um, can I ask something, please, sirs?" I spoke timidly, not knowing if it was my place to speak at all.

        "Yes, of course, child." Beta replied.

        "Um, I-I don't know where I am. Or who I am. Or what I'm doing here. Or anything at all. I'm so confused..." I stuttered, trying not to ramble.

        "Why don't I take her to another room so I can... give her some information." Alpha replied, getting a wicked looking smile on his face. Beta bit his lip and reluctantly nodded. Alpha walked to me, lifting me up by the arm, and started briskly dragging me along the hall. 

        "Oh, and Beta," He called back. "I'll leave you to tell Fire Lord Ozai about our issue about our little sister. Good luck."

        "Oh, no..." Beta muttered, turning back to the flames.

        I was dragged for a while, stumbling over my feet as we went along in silence. I knew that whatever was coming up wasn't going to be very good, and the feeling that something wasn't right had multiplied exponentially.

        "Don't be afraid," Alpha spoke. "After this little lesson, you won't have any more questions." I could almost hear the evil smirk on his face as he said this.

*Zuko's POV*

        "Elizabeth!" I shouted, standing in the middle of the field at the park.

        "It's no use. Just forget it, she's nowhere to be found," Sokka called out to me. I scowled at him and yelled her name again. Where was she? We had been searching for hours, and we couldn't find Elizabeth anywhere! We even asked around, and no one had seen her. So we were taking a break at the park, and the group was sitting tiredly on the benches. 

        I suddenly felt strange. It was a similar feeling to when he got sucked into this realm, and I saw the air in front of me get swirly and deformed. 

        "Guys! Guys, come over here! Quickly, come on!" Everyone was up and at my side within seconds.

        "What is it? What's wrong? Have you found anything?" Katara asked.

        "No, that's not it. I'm feeling weird." I answered.

        "What do you- oh." Sokka widened his eyes. 

        "I feel weird, too." Toph said.

        "It feels like when we were getting transported to this world..." Aang spoke, looking around. "And the air is all weird-looking around us."

        "Are we going back to our own world?" Toph asked.

        "I don't know. I hope so." I replied.

        We all stood still, waiting for something to happen. After a few minutes, everything went black.


So! There you go! Yeah! 

As you can probably see, I finally found a dress. It took too long for my own good...

Oh, and this is dedicated to Wish_i_was_a_dragon because of her assistance and being awesome!

Okay! Have a good day!


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